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"SERMONS FROM THE HEART" - with Rev. David L Whittaker Surely Goodness and Mercy, SHALL follow me, ALL the days of my life


Rev. David Whittaker, Washington


“Surely Goodness and Mercy SHALL follow me, ALL the days of my life.” (Ps 23)  What a profound declaration. Can you, for one moment in your life, ever imagine not having the goodness and mercy of God to cling to I can't!


I would be in a horrible mess if I didn't believe in it.  And, it never ends, unless, you toss it aside.  How could you find direction in your life, How could you get answers to difficult questions How could you possibly serve a God who didn't remain faithful in these attributes?


You who feel like you're alone in a big desert, God's mercy and His goodness are there to give you companionship. You, who are on beds of affliction, His mercy and goodness, always accompanied by love, are there to give you re-assurance, and refresh the hope you have for healing.  It is there to give you everlasting comfort in the times when death has taken that loved one away from you.  Folks, whatever it is, wherever you are, you can not escape the mercy and goodness of God. That's why you are saved and filled; it came with the package.


The Lord Is Pouring out His Glory on His church this hour, filling it with Victory, Infilling it with power. Jesus the Eternal light is guiding day and night. So, walk in faith believing, and you'll be alright.


 The Lord is sending you a blessing

From His storehouse above

Taking every situation, and Healing with love

Like a tender shepherd, He is watching day and night

So trust in Him completely, and you'll be alright.


God Bless you always.

Brother Dave