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Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington



Child like faith.  Most of us don't even comprehend what that means, mostly because it has been too long since we were a child.  If we think about it, however, there are some points, that I believe will refresh our memories.


As I get older, I am beginning to see that the reason we don't see more answers to prayers, particularly in our health, and our occupations, is because we are too impatient, and we are so focused on the symptoms not going away, too set on feeling sorry for ourselves, (yes, Christians are guilty of this too.), that we hinder God and His ability to answer.


I know a dear sister in the church, who has some lingering complications as a result of cancer.  She is in no pain, but almost weekly, you can count on her verbalizing her complaints and frustrations at God for not doing something to improve her condition. I see signs of much improvement, and the cancer has been inactive three years, but she would rather make an issue of little things that she would rather not deal with.


Folks:  God has His own time for everything, and when we TAKE TIME to get ALONE with God, start really thanking Him for the answer, it soon seems so insignificant. When were kids,  We always had enough faith in mother, that when we hurt, and she would kiss the hurt, it would go away until next time.  We hated when we had to grow up, and we didn't have that anymore.  We always had more faith in mom than we did dad, largely because dad was always gone making a living, etc. Mom was always there to the rescue.  If we could put so much trust in mom, that a kiss was all that it took to make us feel better, then why, when we know Heavenly Father is always there, why can't we feel better when He touches us?   Look at all the things we would be, and would have been, If It Were Not For His Touch of Love  And Grace upon our lives.


I live with a form of Parkinson's Disease. Tremors of the hands.  This effects my life daily. It means I can't write legibly, I can't use my hands well in the kitchen, etc., but I can still play the piano with no tremors that will keep me from it.  While I have asked God to take it away, it hasn't happened yet. Am I complaining?  No.  Why? Because I know that He is taking care of it. I am resolved to live with this, however long it takes, and every time I get through another day with its challenges, I know it wasn't anything I did,  but it was He who did it, so that I would know He was there all the time.  His strength is Perfect, when My strength is Gone.


Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart, and He SHALL, Bring it to pass. 


Don't Belly-ache! Be thankful! Things could be much worse!


God Bless You richly.  Let your faith abound.  Child-like faith is where it's at.


In His Love,
