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I know this is my main section, we can do anything here. Lets see what we can do by doing this. 

Today's video will be working on a leaky dishwasher here. If you look at the inside of the dishwasher, there is a seal that goes around the door. What happens over time is you can see? All of this deposit starts to build up, and this restricts the seal from doing its proper job and keeping the water inside of the dishwasher right. Now we have two options: we can either replace the seal or we can attempt to clean the seal and to remove as much of the contamination as possible. You can take a pair of needlenose if you're able to just kind of remove the seal and we'll do this all the way around the door. What we want to do is we want to clean the seal here. You can see I'm fairly just rubbing it with my hand, and it's removing all of that buildup. You may have to take some effort in doing this. You can see here I am taking a rag, I'm just gently kind of allowing the rag to clean the exterior of the seal. Don'T pull on it too much and you don't want to over stretch it so just very gently, I'm working the right across it. Just trying to remove any of the film deposit that's on there now that we cleaned our seal, our gasket we're going to work it back in the way we found it. I would suggest before doing that, see, there's a little bit of film here in the corners and on the bottom, so you want to remove that. You don't want it to recontaminate your gasket, your seal, [, Music ]. Now we're going to work our seal back in just make sure when you're putting your seal back, that you are even on both corners, we're gon na clean up the water and then we're gon na run another complete cycle. When you're running your dishwasher, you want to make sure, when you're checking for leaks that you're checking it during the stage when the Jets or the sprayers are in full force. So you can definitely hear the sprayers are going off. [ Music ] here she's gon na wait to see if there's any leaks, [ Music ]. You can see that we do not have any science with water leaking. This video was at hope. It was informational. Please subscribe.