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Detox For Life


In December of 2008 I was diagnosed with stage 4 Squamous Cell Carcinoma, which is a type of oral cancer. After 6 months of not being properly diagnosed, my cancer had spread throughout my upper body, and I was told that I had 4 to 6 months to live. That was 19 months ago. No doctor has the right to put a time limit on your life! How long you live is up to you and God. Today, all of the cancer in my upper body and neck is gone, and all that remains is a small amount in the right side of my face. These results are due to nothing but Miracles. I strongly believe that all of the organic methods that I am using have played a very large part in my recovery from cancer. There was one other miracle involved here, and it was the chemo I was taking. My doctor expected that it would possibly shrink the tumors and at least keep the cancer at bay, and from not spreading any further. I was taking one of the lowest toxicity chemos that there is, so when we dicovered all the cancer gone, except for one dime sized tumor in the right side of my face, we were all in total Amazement! And then I knew I had to give alot of the credit to all of the organic and natural foods, supplemments, & baths that I have been taking.

My doctor has talked to me about remission now which is absolutely wonderful! After weeks of research and months of experience I feel compelled to help everyone with this horrible disease and share my knowledge. Always remember to keep a positive, strong attitude & choose the path for life, not death. Attitude and positive thinking is one of the strongest healers. If you are strong enough, Exercise can also be very beneficial for cancer patients. Please go to the Exercise Page to find out more.

I hope that my webpage can help you in your fight with cancer.

God Bless All Of You.

Tammy Schneider

Bath Recipes


Radiation Chemo

Alkaline Diet

John Hopkins Letter


Holistic Tea Recipe

Alternative Foods

Cancer Fighting Graviola

I am updating this website regularly with new information so keep checking in.

I am not a doctor, I am a patient. This is what worked for me. Any questions you can E-mail me at the link below.
