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Our Info

Name: Tabetha && Kate

Age: Tab - 24 && Kate - 20

Occupation: Moms



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Fun Stuff

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design: slayra


brushes: aethereality

downloaded at: ddg   

About this layout 


Here's yet another CSS layout. It's basic, simple and Lain-related. I kind of liked this image and thiese colors so I thought; why not?


Hope you like  the layout! 



How to use 


Free for non-comercial use, as long as you keep the links and don't change it too much. This layout is pretty simple to use. Just follow the instructions below. As for the CSS stylesheet, it's external, meaning you just have to open it in a program like Frontpage to change it. Be careful, as it is the stylesheet that gives the layout most of it's characteristics. ^_^   





Copyrights and credits 


You know how it goes. This layout is free for using as long as you keep the copyright links below, linking to slayra, DDG and any other websites. Enjoy! ^__^


Image found at

Brushes from Aethereality.

Downloaded from Daydreamgraphics.

Made by Slayra.



And a sample entry 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat lectus ut tortor. Nunc in erat id leo faucibus vulputate. Sed feugiat nisi eget urna. Donec pellentesque, quam vel tristique tempus, erat urna dictum metus, vestibulum tempus elit lorem id lectus. Mauris hendrerit fermentum urna. Morbi sapien mauris, dictum quis, tincidunt et, convallis pulvinar, arcu. Mauris fermentum augue quis urna. Mauris odio dolor, auctor accumsan, aliquet vulputate, dapibus eu, orci. Praesent dictum molestie urna. Morbi aliquam congue dolor.

Sed in lorem ut libero aliquet pellentesque. Phasellus malesuada ante id ipsum. Fusce eu augue. Nunc nec erat laoreet tortor sollicitudin elementum. Donec porta felis ut nunc. Duis eget erat. Mauris eget neque. Sed quam turpis, suscipit ac, euismod eu, facilisis eget, leo. Aliquam a velit eget tortor convallis iaculis. Nunc nec turpis. Maecenas lacinia.



Website content (c) yourname. Layout made by slayraImage found at Downloaded at Day Dream Graphics.