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Don’t Be Tardy for the Summer Party: Group Costume Ideas That Kick You-Know-What

Unfortunately, Halloween is months away. That’s right, folks. You’ll have to wait until October 31st to come up with a great costume that will win awards and turn heads. Or will you? If you’re seriously jonesing for some costume fun, throw a summer themed costume party. Here, you’ll get some group costume ideas that will make your summer costume party the place to be.

1.    Goin’ to the Beach

We’ve seen this spectacle many times over many summers. The middle aged father in the ugly swim trunks that he thinks are fashionable, the mother who looks like a tourist from Iowa and the screaming kids surrounded by plastic swim aids. Group costume idea: Get a couple of friends and go to the party as a “family.”

The Group Costume Idea Most Likely to Elicit Catcalls

Want to enter your summer costume party with a big splash? Go to said party covered in blue paint and wearing an outfit that leaves little to the imagination. Note that this costume idea will only be a hit if you have the body to pull it off. Having the wrong kind of body can elicit the wrong kind of attention.

Group Costume Idea Most Likely to Make a Ogling Driver Crash His Car

Who doesn’t like girls in bikinis? Oh, there are some spoilsports out there. However, they’re just haters who can’t wear a bathing suit without being mistaken for a beached whale. Get your best gals to make a splashy entrance into this summer costume bash. Haters, start hating.

Group Costume Idea #4 Elderly Couple on a Cruise

It’s impossible not to have seen this cute image when you were out and about in your city or town. The gentleman was wearing a t-shirt that he bought from a gift shop. Most likely, it has the name of the city or town he’s visiting. His wife probably has on the same outfit. Both are wearing sunglasses that cost about as much as the latte you had this morning.

Group Costume Idea Most Likely to Make People Want to Make Travel Plans When They Get Home

If you’re having a summer themed costume party, why not take it to the Pacific (at least in spirit) and host a luau themed party? Have everyone come in their best Hawaiian shirt, have a couple of hula girls and try very hard to have a suckling pig somewhere in the vicinity. 

6.    Trailer Park Chic

Who doesn’t love to laugh at white trash? Thought so. Why not act like your snotty self and throw a white trash party where you and your friends dress like trailer park dwellers? This type of party is a great excuse to break out your cutoffs, Ed Hardy stuff and trashiest tube tops. Party!

Group Costume Idea #7 Yacht Party!

Never been on a yacht?  One group costume idea can have you and your friends playing pretend by throwing a “yacht party.” That’s right. You and your friends are going to a yacht party in your apartment. You can even call the yacht “Sea Ghost” or something silly like that. Have your friends dress like preppies from hell.

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