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50+ Tools You Should Use to Improve Your Writing

I am sure that you wondered how to improve your writing and to become the best version of a writer you could be. Sometimes, it is hard to start writing, or you might get lost. The same words appear in your head, and you want to be more creative, but don't know how? Is it the truth that the talent for writing cannot be learned, but if you don't have a talent already you wouldn't even start writing right? We will help you to improve it!

1. Cliche Finder : Find the cliches in writing with this great tool. Easy to use and very reliable.
2. Tool to Avoid the Cliches : Avoiding cliches with this awesome tool was never easier! Relax and get your job done properly.
3. Word Counter : Great tool for counting words and characters. It will make your job much easier.
4. Cliche Finder : Find the cliches in writing easily with this tool. You don't need to worry about it anymore.
5. Cliche Phraser Finder : This service says to enjoy the best cliche phrases checker ever! Maybe you want to find out why?
6. Cliches in Writing Checker : Avoiding cliches may sound hard, but not anymore! Check out this excellent tool!
7. Creativity Portal's Imagination Prompt : Thinking about how to improve your writing? This source will help you by giving a sample writing prompt to get you started.
8. Unstuck : Do you have troubles with motivating yourself or are you a procrastinator? Visit this site!
9. Avoid the Cliche Generator : Avoiding cliches was never easier! Check out this tool and solve your problems.
10.Avoiding Cliches in Writing Tool : Check your cliches in writing with this awesome Ph.D. cliche checker.
11. Zen Writer : This is a program which minimizes the distraction. You need silence and peace while you're writing, right?
12. Byword : Here you can export your writing files to HTML, PDF or rich text and share it with others.
13. Cliche Expression Checker : Wondering how to improve your writing? Learn about these little known ways to avoid cliche expressions faster than ever.
14. READABLE : Want to find out how readable is your writing? It was never easier to find it out than today.
15. Stay Focusd : Having problems with the concentration when the distractions are all around you?
16. Synchro Edit : Allowing multiple users in different locations to work simultaneously on the same document.
17. Google's Webmaster Tools : Do you want your writing to be found on the web easily? Check out this source.
18. Clarity Jargon Buster : Do you need to check your content for overly used business or maybe buzzwords and phrases?
19. Buffer Editor : This is a great quality text and code editor. It is available for iPhone, iPad, iPad Pro and iPad Touch.
20. NOTE SMARTLY : Check out the best quotes from the best professionals and most successful people for productivity.
21. Hemingway App : Do you need to highlight lengthy and complex sentences and to find common errors?
22. Steller: Interactive Storyteller : Wondering how to add some visual elements to your story? Try this source, and keep up the good work!
23. Tone Analyzer : Need to analyze your content to see how it sounds? Does it sound too positive or perhaps too negative?
24. Master Writer : Are you dreaming about becoming the master of writing? Check out this site!
25. Scrivener : Check out this wonderful source of ideas and grow them into a unique style which will make you stand out from the crowd!
26. Dropbox : Need a program which will allow you to work together with the other writers? This one is the most recommended for that purpose.
27. One Look : The best dictionary tool. Find the explanations and the meaning of the words you need.
28. Writer's Tools : This program helps you to find improperly used words, jargon or even cliches.
29. Thesaurus : The largest dictionary for writers. Cannot remember the word you want to use?
30. Spell Checker : Grammar and spelling mistakes are forbidden if you want to be considered as a serious writer.
31. Power Thesaurus : Used one word too many times? Want to find a synonym which would suit the content better?
32. Google Docs : We certainly just cannot forget about this one. You can create and edit documents online here, for free.
33. iA Writer : They say that they've designed this program to keep your hands on the keyboard and your mind in the text.
34. Grammarly : I think that every writer needs to have this tool, even if you are a newbie.
35. Zen Pen : Distractions are stressing you and reducing your concentracion? Not anymore, check out this great tool.
36. oTranscribe : This is a free web app which makes it easier to transcribe uploaded audio clips or youtube videos.
37. Blog Topic Generator : HubSpot's product which will help you to find the inspiration for your title.
38. Slick Write : Are you searching for a proofread tool? Want to write better without any mistakes?
39. Headline Analyzer : Don't know how to write the proper headline? You don't need to worry about that anymore.
40. Daily Page : Set yourself a goal of daily writing with this tool. The practice makes perfect.
41. Buzz Sumo : Are you searching for the best and most shared content and the key influencers?
42. Random Phrase Generator : Are you searching for the proper phrases and idioms? You're at the right place!
43. Evernote : Get yourself organized with this great tool. You know that you cannot be concentrated if your schedule is not in the same way.
44. Content Idea Generator : Out of ideas? Just enter the subject of your writing and you will discover a whole new world of great ideas.
45. Dragon Dictation : This great app transcribes your voice into words. Save time with this great tool.
46. Ilys : This one helps you to stay on track with your writing. There is no more procrastination!
47. Auto Crit : Are you a fiction writer who needs a manuscript editing software? Well, don't search anymore, you found what you need.
48. Novelize : Maybe you wrote a great novel but just got stuck at the end and don't know how to finish it?
49. Paper Rater : Everything that you need at one place. Plagiarism checker, proofreading, spelling and grammar checker and much more.
50. Pen Flip : This site helps you to write better with others! Share your work and learn from each other!
51. Rhymer : Any rhyming type you need to write the best content ever you will find here. Enjoy!
52. Paragraphs : This tool will help you to understand how the paragraphs are properly formed.
53. 750 Words : An awesome tool which will require from you to write 750 words every day. That is the way to improve your writing!