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Role Play Characters
Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Name: Antoine De Clowes


Aliases: Not Toast


Age: Twenty-four


Gender: Male


Race: Dark, Wood Elf Hybrid


Height: 5’6”


Weight: 95


Skin Tone: Regular Wood Elf Skin… color


Eye Color: Light Green with few hints of Light Red


Sexuality: Unknown (Even to himself…)



Not Toastian – A Not Toastian is a mixture of everything and nothing. It gives no bonus strengths, no bonus abilities, but simple bragging rights to being the last surviving (only ever) Not Toastian alive. It’s simply… just a confusing mess. – Entire Life


Attire: Not Toast simply wears a pair of faded, brown, dirty, what’s supposed to be green pants, with a matching shirt,  pair of dirty, white, holey socks, and a piece of cloth wrapped around his head, which covers his forehead, which is ‘supposed’ to be a headband.


Personality: Not Toast is simply, the insane, narcissistic, self-less, giving, sociopath, schizophrenic mess ever born. He knows pretty much nothing about everything, and claims to know everything about… well everything. He doesn’t care about people, but yet at the same time can’t say no. The voices in his head, don’t really tell him to, “Kill people”, they’re simply, voices… Everything about him doesn’t make sense, and the fact that he has personalities that contradict each other, just makes him an even more confusing person to understand. You can never win with him, but at the same time, are winning everything. Fighting, he doesn’t use a regular fighting style, and uses a “Custom profession”, as an actual profession. And the fact that he doesn’t know anything about fighting, magic’s, or anything that is used in a ‘fight’, makes his ‘profession’, even more of just nonsense. He claims to be a pacifist, but at the same time, has sworn to himself he’d never back out of a fight.


History: Not Toast had a perfectly normal life; in fact, he had a better life than most people, his parents where never in dept, they always had time for him to do whatever parents… and their little abominations do. And he grew up, going to school, graduating at the top of his class, with the nickname “Toast”. Everything seemed to be going right, but one day, he simply… got bored of his overly average life. So, on his ninth birthday, before the daylight broke the rather chilly night, he broke from his life, and started a new one. Heading to a port town, he boarded, secretly, a pirate ship, and set sail for his new life. Little to his knowledge, the boat… in fact wasn’t a pirate ship at all, but a garbage boat (… wait, how does someone mistake a pirate ship for a garbage boat anyways?! Using this boat as a way to rid their town from the building garbage, he had no way off the boat, so he had to make due with what he had. Building shelter, eating… rotting food, slowly loosing his sanity. But, apon a fateful day, he stumbled apon a book, which would entirely rip what plans he had for the next few… however long the boat was roaming the sea, for he had a (more than most likely science fictional) book on the seven elemental keys. The book read “The holder of the seven keys, will stand before the world door, and the door will open, to show the chosen one the true internal of the Earth,” which the book later explained the Earth was living, and it was the D.N.A., and if the keys chose wrong, could turn the Earth into someone, from them molding with the D.N.A of the Earth, letting them control it. Having the nickname scarred into his memory, “Toast”, he decided to turn the world into the opposite of Toast, bread. The so called “Magma” into maple syrup (I love maple syrup…). As his plan began to unfold, he decided to take the alias of “Not Toast”, so no one could claim him to be “Toast” (yeah, that’ll stop them.). So, on the clearest of all days, after months of preparation, he set off on his manmade boat. Just to find out that the boat he was on, had already been stuck on the beach of a continent for, who knows how long (talk about not paying attention.). Getting off, and taking a quick bath, he robbed a local, jacking their clothes, and began his new life, of exploration, searching, treasure hunting, saving people, training, eating waffles with blackberry jam on it, sleeping, eating more waffles (learn to pace yourself, eating waffles that often with get you sick of them….), and changing lives (for most likely the worst.).

Posted by defectedgrave at 8:44 PM MST
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Friday, 12 October 2007

Name: Kyros Accidia

Age: Twenty-six

Race: Reanimated Daemon

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 156

Skin Tone: Light Blue

Eye Color: Silver

Hair Color and Style: White. Six inches all around, random parts of it are spiked, others flat, making it look like a bad case of bed head.

Demon Hunter - A person who hunts, and exterminates Demons. Training for several years in this, Demon Hunter's know how to track, and pick up on Demon scents, and know how to locate them depending on the setting/surroundings. -  Kyros was brought up in a Demon Hunter village, so he has been training with it since he was around seven.



Personality: Kyros is the evil, but only because his father made him this way. Deep down, he has a heart, and is a decent guy to be around, though, he tries to kill, and it is only to try to win his father’s affection, him thinking this being the only way to be recognized by his. Being a schizophrenic, he has two voices in his head, one he ends up talking to, the other usually staying silent. The first one, the silent one, only speaks when he is about to do something stupid, while the second, the one he talks to, is the voice of his mother, which pushes him to do stupid things..


Zero Null – Zero is Kyros’s father, he was taken away from his father, by his mother, and never really knew much of him, until his tenth birthday. On this day, he was kidnapped by his father, and remained with him for the next twenty years. Pledging his allegiance to his father, he swore to aid him in any way possible, to end his father side’s family, even if it meant his life.

Shiro – Shiro is Kyros’s uncle, who was his father’s sworn enemy. Having his father having Shiro being his sworn enemy, Kyros has a loathing of him, to where he would risk his own life to destroy Shiro. Never having actually met Shiro, he doesn’t know what he looks like, or even the distinct magical essence. Him only knowing that he got his magisensory from him.

Family Given Abilities: 

Magisensory - This ability gives the user a heightened sense of magical presence in within' a great distance of themselves. This ability is only able to be passed down through genetics, and only effects every other member. Though, some can't utilize theirs until at a great age (old), some are skilled enough to gain this ability, and use it at a young age. - Getting this ability from his uncle Shiro, Kyros uses it to track, and hunt powerful opponents. 


Posted by defectedgrave at 12:08 AM MDT
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Saturday, 22 September 2007

Name: Andris Narcissos

Aliases: Zero’s Right Hand, and Slaughterer of the North.

Age: Sixty-six

Race: Ashe Demon

Height: 5'11" 

Weight: 149

Skin Tone: Pale

Hair Color and Style: White, it being roughly a foot long, it being pulled back into a pony tail.

Eye Color: Dark Gray

LeaderThe group commander and leader. This position appoints him leadership over those under him in his group. – Having a good year with this, Andris has the respect of the underlings, giving him a good power, and quick responses of his comrades.

Weapons: Andris’s weapon of choice is his katana. Sheathe of the katana is exactly six feet long, and is capped at the end with solid gold. The body of the katana is covered by a white cloth that covers the entire thing, before ending at the cap. At various placed down the cloth, black strings are tied around it. The actual blade of the katana is five feet, and five inches, and is a vibrant azure. The hilt is one foot long, and is covered by the same clothe as the sheath, but instead of being capped down, it is tied a black string.

Attire: Andris’s torso is covered by a finely ironed, black suit’s jacket, as well a white undershirt, both being long sleeved. The undershirt’s sleeves move further than the suit’s jacket, so they are pulled back overtop the end of the jacket’s sleeves, before being held down by two “7” shaped clips, on both the top and bottom, on both sides. A crimson red tie moves around his neck, before disappearing under the jacket. The undershirt’s collar is moved down, to hold the tie inside of, the rest of the collar being hidden by the jacket. The jacket’s held shut by several black buttons that are nearly invisible since the jacket is the same color. The suit’s pants cover his lower body. The pants as well are finely ironed, and are black. Though, being a bit to long for his legs, the front part of the legs end at his shoes, the backs moving down to end just before the ground. His feet are fixed with white socks, and leather shoes. The shoes are black leather, and are held shut by black shoe laces. Attached to his hip, is a sheathed katana.

Personality: Andris is a bit laid back, and over-protective of those close to him. Though, being an ex-mass murderer, he now dislikes killing people, and will try to avoid killing. Though when in a fight, he tends to be a bit more name calling, and insulting, trying to get the person angered, making their judgement, and thoughts before actions to fail them, allowing an easier kill. Him being extremely intelligent in both the art of fights, and strategy, he is simply killing the people he is ordered to do to aid in his friends conquest, not for personal gain.

History: Andris, being the Slaughterer of the North, was a infamous demon. He being rogue, and a simple wanderer, killing any who got in his path, was hunted down by a Demon hunter by the name of Anderex Null. Being killed by this character, his should was sealed in a simple Hammer Space Cube. Being stuck in this certain prison for thirty-six years; he eventually came across a person, who was a fairly nice person, which wasn't what he was used to. Becoming very close to this person, they began to investigate every last inch of the hammer space. One day, the person found a flaw in the cube, making it perfect for an escape, so they both did in fact do this, they escaped. Both of them having gotten free from the soul jail Anderex had put them in, they had to find a way to get new bodies, and powerful at that, so they split up. Andris eventually came across a simple human Monk. Coming to an agreement with the monk, that he would never kill for personal gain again, his body was re-created, though having a few differences. Though, his body wasn't at full power, he hid there at Monastery, becoming fairly close with the monks there. Gaining his once great power day by day, he spent a rough three years there, practicing with different weapons, and magicks, trying to find some he liked. Though, none but the Katana interested him, he gained a few abilities while there. After a rough ten years there, he heard a rumor spreading, that a man was wandering around, corrupting the towns, causing them to go into a panic, destroying them from the inside out. Figuring it was nothing, he shrugged it off.

After hearing this, a week past, him having ignored it, a man showed up, this man was named Zero Null. The two, not knowing one another, began to talk. After awhile, they both figured out, that they where the two trapped in the hammer space cube together. Over-excited, Andris agreed to help Zero with his plan, him still keeping his promise of not killing for personal gain, but for Zero’s.

They both wandered a bit, before Zero finally set up a base. The base was put there due to the underground channels, and easy access point to drill to the center of the world. Him gaining several people, they sat there, drilling day by day. Andris, being set into a group with two other people, began to grow close to one another. The group was perfect, protecting the others weaknesses. One focused on magicks, one ranged, and one close, they took an oath, becoming oath brothers.

One day, a ‘revolution’ showed up, attacking them. The seven people easily wiped the ‘revolution’ with ease. Capturing a good amount of the people, they swore loyalty, Zero growing an army, making it perfect for a large scale attack.

Andris now doing small spy and undercover infiltration missions, as well with assassination, and exterminations; with his squad of four.

Posted by defectedgrave at 4:12 AM MDT
Updated: Sunday, 23 September 2007 12:39 AM MDT
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Name: Hiyoshi Ko 

Age: Sixteen

Race: Demi-daemon

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 97

Skin Tone: Pale, showing he hasn't been in the sun much

Eye Color: Light Purple. His eyes are a mixture of his fathers, and mothers. Fathers being red, and mother’s blue, the color shows his mix race.

Hair Color and Style: Silver. Yoshi's hair is a good twenty inches all around. The bangs though, are only around eight. The right sides are brushed across the left side of his face, and behind his left ear, making seeing his left eye, and parts of the left side of his face impossible.

Photo Kinesis - Ability to manipulate light at users will as well with summoning monsters with the element of Light. Also, if used correctly, the user can use the light to heal, and/or speed the body’s natural ability to heal itself. - Having several years in this, he is very good at manipulating, and controlling light, and combining this, and his Geo Kinesis, he can make illusions. Also being able to cure, and speed the body’s natural ability to heal, as well with being able to summon a few Light creatures.
Geo Kinesis - Ability to manipulate earth at users will as well with summoning monsters with the element of Earth. - Having the same amount of years in this, as Photo Kinesis, he has knows how to do several spells, and how to create illusions by combining light, and dirt, as well with being able to summon a few Earth creatures.
Drunken Fist - (Only when he's hammered) The user drinks excessive amounts of alcohol, causing numbness, and a huge boost in self-confidence, making the user afraid of nothing, and the ability to move without pain effecting those movements. - Having only a year in this, he is very new, and still has many abilities to conquer, but non the less, he can use it to what he needs it for

Attire: Yoshi changes his outfit a bit. Two most used are for his different personalities, hammered, and sober. When he’s sober, he wears a robe. The robe reaches all the way down to his feet, and is trimmed with a sky blue color. The robe has a few pockets, two being about halfway down it, on either side, just perfect for his hands to slide into, and one more at the right chest. The robe his held shut by two darker blue strings weaving back and forth. The same strings hang from two holes that go through his hood, so he can adjust it to his head. The hood hangs down the back of the robe a good foot. The hood is very loose when it’s on, just so it can hang down in front of his face. When covering his eyes, it slightly disrupts his vision. Not enough to cause him to be ‘blind’, but enough to not see clearly. Always latched around his neck, and down his side, before stopping at his left hip, is a brown bag. The bag is big enough to hold several books, a set of extra clothes, and a few pockets for vials. The sandals he has are used for both outfits. The sandals are a tan color, and have two wooden pieces on the bottom. The wood is position perfectly so he can balance on them. A white cloth thong moves in between his hallux, and Morton’s toes. The thong is so tight that he has to pull it out, but loose enough not to cut anything off.  

The other outfit is used for when he’s drunk. It is a bit simpler than the first, it has the sandals, and the bag the same, the rest of the other outfit is stored in his bag. The only things covering his body now are black pants. The pants are loose, baggy, and have an orange trim, before being tightened right before his sandals start. Part of the baggy part hangs over the tight part, making it seem as if it’s curled in, not stopped. Two orange sleeves cover his entire fore-arm, before begin hugged to his skin by a black chain right before his elbow. The part that ends at his wrists hangs loosely. On each hand are clothes that hug tightly to his fingers. Covering the cloth are metal armor pieces. The armor pieces have three different parts to them. Each different part starts at each of his knuckles, allowing movement. The tips of the armor are sharpened, into seemingly claws, disallowing any parts of these weapons to be visible, sharp spikes out an inch, before curling over each gap in between the pieces, making the claws irremovable.

Personality: Yoshi, unlike other people has multiple personalities, mostly depending on how much of alcohol he's drinking' in the day. When he hasn't been drinking at all in a day, he's usually shy, and avoiding of people. He being so shy, that he goes out of his way to avoid contact with people. Not only being shy, he has a kind heart, so he can't pull himself to kill anyone. When in a fighting conflict, he will drink one flask full of sake, which will get him a bit of a buzz, just enough to hurt the person to the point where they will leave him alone. But, despising himself when he's drinking, when he becomes completely sober, he avoids drinking at all costs. Using his white arts, can regenerate his stamina, allowing him to dodge, and evade most physical attacks until he can't use anymore magic. If put up against a magic foe, he will cast a magic barrier, which will deflect most mid powered magic spells, if being attacked by a stronger than normal foe, he will teleport. His teleportation spell is thanks to his white arts. His teleportation spell takes up so much energy; he will only be able to use it twice, to go a few hundred feet. If more than that, he will risk loosing all his energy for a few days, and just laying there.       

When having a buzz, he can use some of his sober, and some of his drunken skills. Not being able to put them to the full extent, he tends to stay at either sober, or hammered. When in a buzz, he doesn't talk at all, and has a slight problem standing straight up.  

When completely hammered, he'll say anything to the strongest of enemies, and won't run. He has more backbone than any of his other personalities. Not being able to use any of his sober abilities, his Drunken Fist is at its strongest. Most of the time when he's hammered, he has a totally different outfit than being sober. Trying to stay hammered; he'll avoid sleeping, and try to get a drink at all costs. Also, he'll never back down out of a fight, even if it's a fight where he'll most likely die..

History: Yoshi's father (Anderex Null) being a daemon, and one that was obsessed with destroying his brother, he was never really around in his life. Due to this, he was raised without knowing anything about his daemon heritage. And at finding out about it, he shunned that side of his family, and claimed himself as being a pureblood human.

Always having gone out of his way to avoid public, due to him having being shunned for being a daemon, he eventually developed a small fear of big crowds, and people at that. Due to this, he wondered around by himself, just too eventually to grow into a schizophrenic. His inner voice was his dark side, which he was influenced by greatly. The voice was not only his dark side, but an alcoholic, which drove Yoshi to drink sake. Finding out that if he drank enough, his inner voice would take control, and Yoshi’s regular thoughts would turn into the inner voice.  

One day, when out on an exploration on a nearby forest, Zero attacked his house, killing his mother, and the entire nearby town. Coming back at the wrong time, he came in contact with Zero. Zero knowing the power that Yoshi held, thought it would be best to send him into the future where his future self, which would be much stronger than he was now, could deal with. Not having a set point in time, Zero simply opened a portal to the future, without making a certain time, and sent Yoshi through, him only having been a good seven years old.

Having been sent in a good hundred years, Shiro was new to this land, and time, and decided to scout the place, and learn the new monsters, and technology. After a bit of exploring, and finding out most of the new setting, he found a sage; which he was adopted by, and taught many arts. Finding a great interest in helping things, he grew adapted to the white arts. Also, not liking the idea of fighting, he began studying the illusion arts. Finding several ways to create an illusion, he decided to use the Photo kinesis, and Geo kinesis to do this. He spent four years in a tower, studying with the Sage before leaving on his own. While wandering for a bit, he began to hear rumors of his uncle Shiro. He having figured out he was sent into the past, he began to search for Shiro, to attempt to protect him from his demise in the future

Posted by defectedgrave at 4:10 AM MDT
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Name: Zero Null 

Age: Thirty-Seven

Race: Daemon Pureblood

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 175

Skin Tone: Light blue

Eye Color: Crimson red

Hair Color and Style: Light gray. His hair is a perfect six inches all around, but is spiked into the air. Random spots are flat, and random spots being spiked, making it look like a bad case of bed head, but being a hair style.

Markings: Moving from around the middle of his forehead, to the middle of his cheek is are stitches. The stitches have been added more recently, showing that they aren't being taken out any time soon. 

He also has a pair of stitches at his stomach, moving right under his stomach, half way in between his crotch and his belly button. And the final pair of stitches are at his right arm, half way into his bicep, that moves all the way around the arm.


Astro MagicksAbility to cast/summon the abilities/aid of space at users will – Having a good twenty-three years experience with these magicks, he can nearly flawlessly use them to the full potential, him just having a bit of trouble using the tougher spells.

Time Magicks – Ability to travel through time, and or summon portals to other parts of time – Having nine-teen years with this, he isn’t as good as he is with the Astro magicks. But, being decent with them, he can use nearly all the spells, except for the more complicated ones.

Dark MagicksAbility to cast the spells that use the emptiness, and darkness within' the surrounding area (spells effectiveness depends on setting) – Having only seventeen years with this, he can still cast nearly all of the spells, just not the more complicated ones.

DragoonDragoon being a profession that utilizes the deceased dragon’, race flying ability, the person may jump to a very high altitude without being hurt by the atmosphere, and slam down on their foes with a devastating attack. – Having very little experience in this profession, he can only use the Jump ability, none of the other abilities that come with it.


Weapons: Zero’s weapon of choice is his dark spear. The spear is overall eight feet long, the pole seven, and the blade being one. The pole is black color, and is as simple as that. The blade, on the other hand, is designed perfectly for thrusting, and slashing, and has many designs on it. It being one foot long, it is made with a heavy metal that is fairly hard to break. It has two colors on it, black and white. As the blade moves out from the flat part, to the edges, it shifts from the black to the white. The tip is in a v shape, just so it can easily break, and enter skin. The rest of it is curved, so it can rip and tare as it moves in and out of the body, causing internal bleeding. Making the front and back even, the end of the pole is capped with a solid gold cap, which weighs just as much as the front, making them both even.

Attire: Zero’s entire form is covered by a rather simple robe. The robe moves from his neck, all the way down to drag along lightly on the ground. The trim on the bottom of the robe is ruined, due to it dragging along the ground. The trim that’s on the bottom of the robe, is also on any ending piece of clothing (the end of the sleeve, opening to the head, etc.). The robe has no sleeves, disallowing his arms to be escaped from it. Instead, the robe just has an opening at the front that moves all the way down, it being held closed by a string that ties either side to the other at the top, near the head hole; this making it easier to open the front, and get his arms out. Attached to the back of the head hole, is a fairly long hood (nearly exactly like Yoshi’s). The hood always remains up, allowing a shadow to be cast over his face, his hair moving down the inside of the robe. On the inside of the robe, Zero’s torso is covered by a simple cloth, much like a mummies. The cloth is fairly dirty, burned parts, blood, and an odd black color every here and there. The cloth covers his stomach, chest, neck, arms, and most of his hands, except for the fingers. His bottom, after the cloths end, is covered by a fairly baggy and loose pair of black pants. The pants cover all of his legs, and then some. The front part ends at his foot, but the back drags along the ground. His feet have sandals on them. The sandals are held to his foot tight enough so they won’t come out, but loose enough so he can pull his foot out when he wants, by a white cloth thong. The thong moves in-between his hallux, and Morton’s toe.

Personality: Zero is one of those sadistic; control the world, "Bow before me or die" sort of characters. Ever since he was young, he has been plotting, and slowly corrupting those around him. Having this certain hatred for his mother, he had always used his plots, and plans on her. Him not only being intelligent in the art of corruption, he knew how to tell by peoples body movements, and reactions to certain words, to tell if they where planning something. Always having a certain interest in literature, and knowledge of everything, he always was reading, through out his childhood, and even into adulthood. Figuring out that in most fantasy books that the bad guy only failed because he was never training for the final fight, unlike the good guys, he always trained in the arts which he was best in, even past the perfection stage. Growing up, being tormented by his uncle Shiro, and watching him always protecting Fira, he grew a loathe towards him, him having promised himself that one day he would torture Shiro for the rest of his life, never letting him die, just to feel the pain of his loathing. Though, not being all evil, Zero can be befriended, though it being hard.

History: Zero was unexpected, due to the fact that he was injected into Fira's (his mother) womb, while she was under control of a virus. Zero, was genetically enhanced, and was made for one purpose, to end, and torture all those who knew, and where close to Fira. Growing up, he tortured small animals by skinning them, and impaling a stick through their bodies, and watched while the blood cascaded down the stick, and the warm, fleshy skin-less body twitched before it would die. Not only being sadistic, he was a genius in messing with peoples minds. Growing up knowing he'd not be able to hurt Fira without his uncle Shiro attacking him, he began to play tricks with Fira's mind. She wouldn't have noticed, because he did this very slowly over his life with her. Knowing how to persuade his way out of most punishments, he grew up not having much to worry about, for Fira protected him from Shiro, and Shiro was the only one who could see what was happening. Around the age of ten, he began to think about astro, time, and the darkness that inhabited every living thing. Slowly, he began to lean towards the dark arts, the other to just being ideas. Only doing this when no one was around him, he began to study into all three of the arts. Around fifteen, he began to use his mother as a test subject for controlling dark spells. Failing most of them, he began to study more in the astro arts, failing again; he began to the time arts, again just to fail. He would do these three at years on end. At twenty-five, he began to get the hang of them, and also started to get himself controlled by the dark arts. Him being to deep into the dark arts by twenty-seven to get out, he just went deeper and deeper. At thirty, he attacked his brother's (Anderex Null) family. Killing his wife (Midori Ko), and sending his son (Hiyoshi Ko) years into the past. Then, at thirty-two, Zero killed his uncle Shiro.

Zero more recently got in an epic battle with his twin, Anderex. Anderex having gained much power from the time of their childhood, he was defeated in a hammer space cube. His body, though, was completely destroyed, making it near impossible to attach his soul back to his body, soul being trapped in the hammer space cube. Inside the hammer space, he spent five years in it, trapped with around twenty other mastermind villains, though, one was closer than the rest. Gaining a close friendship with the person, they began to investigate every last inch of the hammer space. One day, Zero fond a flaw in the cube, making it perfect for an escape, so they both did in fact do this, they escaped. Both of them having gotten free from the soul jail Anderex had put them in, they had to find a way to get new bodies, and powerful at that, so they split up. Zero came across a man by the name of, Dr. Photo Sadistica (Dr. Photo for short). Getting the other fellow with him, they had to wait for Dr. Photo to gain the proper parts for a re-animation of their bodies. Taking a year to find all the materials, all of the three came very close, and the day before Dr. Photo sealed their souls into the bodies, they became oath brothers. 

Having his souls sealed back into his body, each of them went their separate ways. Though, the bodies weren’t all the way done, each of the two had to carry a pendant around, that kept their bodies in tact. Near right after getting his body back, and not even having enough time to gather enough energy to create one spell, he was attack by a person named, Shadow White. Shadow White took the pendant, and was in fact having been watching Zero for a long time now. Using the pendant to have Zero swear loyalty to himself, he sent Zero on his first mission, to take over the galaxy of Blueshift. Shadow White knowing Zero's power, knew this wouldn't be a hard task for him.

Getting to the first planet, Raze, he found a book. Though, not an ordinary book, it was a book that had eyes, and mouth, which was capable of speaking. Taking the book with him, they became close friends quickly, and Zero made a promise to the book, to get it back to its original form. Which wouldn't be to hard, since all he had to do was sacrifice one thousand peoples blood to it, only a drop needed.

Posted by defectedgrave at 4:07 AM MDT
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