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I am Deepak Richard AKA deeric AKA deeric27 . Contents published in this Site  is egocentric .No comments !

I believe , I am some thing different from anybody  ( Not Abnormal !!)  . I was lucky enough to learn , experience and explore many things like various cultures , technology, People,Places,Food, etc etc  from around the globe within a short span of life , which may be experienced rarely by common people .

I always insisted to think differently and do differently . This habit ended up with many problems . As I takes problems as Challenges , I gained the advantage of winning several challenges. Which always helped me to brand my name . 

This site I intend to publish some Blogs on various wide variety of topics . I am happy to answer anybody's questions about anything ( but particularly some thing technical / technological)  up to the level I know or by doing small research powered by Google and Bryan Marshal's How stuff Works , one of my inspiration .