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Corbin's Homepage


The Vengeful Riders are a clan of gamers. Primarily FPS, but we dabble in various other genres as well. Halo 2 is the only game in which we hold the official clan title, in other games we go by various names. At any rate, we're comprised of but four members, and our primary trademark is vengeance. When one player is defeated, the others will go out of their way to find whoever defeated him, and similarly defeat them. This ensures that the killcount is kept relatiely even between teams. You may have noticed that many of my InfoPro assignments are about video games. This isn't due to any unhealthy obsession,but rather because it's the one topic I feel I can write adequately about if I have no other ideas. Below are some links to pages detailing the games we play and our various tactics.


Halo 2
Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Soldier Front