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The career exploration program for grades 9 through 10, as part of a comprehensive K through 10 career development program, attempts to develop an awareness of and appreciation for work, extend knowledge of the variety of career opportunities, and provide experiences in career areas of individual interest.

The document, a collection of materials consisting of a teacher's guide, student learning experience packets, and a resource list, is designed to introduce the students to occupations in electricity and electronics.

The learning activities are organized to explore different categories within electricity and electronics and include teaching strategies such as interest inventory, field trips, occupational classification, skill tests, career investigation, simulation, role-playing, individual investigation, job analysis, career evaluation, and the compilation of a job list.

 A suggested course format and introduction discuss objectives and procedures. The teacher's guide is coordinated with the learning experience packets and is organized into objectives and suggested procedures, with fact sheets and illustrations supplementing the teacher's information. The multimedia resource list is coordinated with the individual learning experiences.





A Word From Chuck

Chuck Norris doesn't believe in Germany.

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Last updated: 11/23/07.