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DD Dragon Educational Organization was founded in Taiwan when Steven Molteno and Vivian Chang came together to put their knowledge of English education into practice. With the publication of the English With DD Dragon and the DD Dragon For Beginners textbooks, the company was able to expand rapidly across the island of Taiwan. In 2003 DD Dragon set up its first office in China, and since then has opened schools in some of China's most famous cities, including Shanghai, Harbing, Wenzhou and Taizhou. Currently DD Dragon's China Division has rapid expansion plans for China, so as to take full advantage of the country's insatiable appetite for quality English education. 

One of the greatest strengths behind DD Dragon is the fact that it was founded and is run by a Western man and a Chinese woman. As a result, DD Dragon has succeeded in overcoming the “culture shock” that befalls many Western companies trying to do business in China, and the pitfalls that purely Chinese-owned English education companies encounter. Steven Molteno has brought to DD Dragon his years of experience as an English teacher, which he has put to use with the publication of the DD Dragon textbooks and the development of his unique DD Dragon Teaching Method. Vivian Chang, a Business and English major, has brought to DD Dragon not only her business acumen but also her language skills, which enable her to act as a vital bridge between the Chinese and Western staff.

What makes DD Dragon a truly unique company is its dynamic attitude to English education, which can easily be seen on each concise yet fun-filled page of the DD Dragon textbooks, or in any action-packed yet structured class taught by a DD Dragon teacher. DD Dragon is opposed to all those schools that believe that publishing English textbooks is just about making profit, or that teaching English is about packing students into the classroom and then killing the time. DD Dragon's philosophy is that teaching English is about helping students to progress in the fastest manner possible, and making profit is important only so that DD Dragon can expand to allow yet more students the opportunity of having first-class education.