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Monday, 21 July 2008
$99 to get started with Coastal!!

Get the Level 3 Platinum today for only $3,995. Releases Included!

Don Clayton puts high prices on the run!

Get the Level 1 today for only $695. Releases Included!

Don Clayton answers the most popular questions asked about Coastal Vacations.

Question 1. “Does the Coastal Vacations Shipping Center require Directors to sell the Vacation Packages at the high retail prices?”

Answer: NO! The Coastal Vacations Shipping Center allows each director to set their own prices.


When Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 is sold, the payment goes directly to the Director selling the vacations package. Only the wholesale amount is forwarded to the Coastal Vacations Shipping Center. The Coastal Vacations Shipping Center does not care nor do they even ask what the Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 was sold for.

Question 2. “Are pass-up sales required by the Coastal Vacations Shipping Center?”

Answer: NO! The Coastal Vacations Shipping Center does not and will never require Directors to take the first two sales away from new Directors. In many states, requiring pass-up sales looked upon as illegal. It is recommended not to get involved with requiring pass-up sales from your new members.

This is the Official Coastal Vacations Policy:
The Coastal Vacations Shipping Center provides the Level 1, Level 2,
and Level 3 Vacations Packages to Directors at wholesale cost.
It is responsibility of the Directors to market and sell the vacations packages.

* Each Director is an Independent Representative.

* Each Director can sell the vacations packages for more or less than the suggested retail price.

* Each Director can use their own marketing ideas.

* Each Director can set their own prices.

* Each Director can Retail... Discount... Trade... or Give it as a Gift!


Why does the Coastal Vacations Shipping Center allow each Director to sell at their own prices?

* All money over the Level 3 Platinum wholesale price of $1,295 is 100% profit for the person selling you the package.

* No matter what the Level 3 Platinum package it is sold for the Coastal Vacations Shipping Center makes only the wholesale cost of $1,295 from each Level 3 Platinum sold.

* This is why the Coastal Vacations Shipping Center does not care what the Level 3 Platinum is sold for!


Please visit my website at: 

 By: Don Clayton

Coastal Vacations Level 3 Director.

Posted by dcvv1953 at 12:02 PM EDT
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