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Confessions of 2 Mad Moms

Confessions of 2 mad mothers

Confessions of 2 mad mothers

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Talking about our children the cliche of where to start fits. Its been a saga as raising children always is
but in my case the saga went gradually black as teenargerdom approached on the horizon. In contrast my best
friend's entire saga was tinged with blackness from the beginning but went across the screen with her
childrens' teenage years.

For both of us the blackness continued past their 18th birthdays as we battled the guilt and the anger. In my
friend's case she finally freed herself but I still morbidly walk the journey more often than not with the promise
of a sunrise still to meet, once I can let go.

We wrote this for many reasons - as a catharsis, as a testimony to life's still being worth living even when your
children are estranged, and as a reminder to all of us that hey it actually can and does get better - whether your
children ever return to your nest and coo..or not.

In addition to above we decided to publish to find and provide resources. These resources are for 1) those of you
whose children are not yet teenagers in the belief that if we had this support and help when we first set out on the
child-rearing journey things may've been different, 2) for those who, like me, are still in the last throes of a teenager
soon to leave the nest and 3)last but not least those who like my friend now has an empty nest but who've not yet
managed to move on with their lives.

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