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History of CRICKET

Origins of Cricket found in Britain and started in seventinth century.It became a major sport as British people went in different countries for long time and spent their time in different areas and during this time they have played Cricket.

True origin of the Cricket is a mystrey for the time but careful research and the survey can sujjest that Cricket was played earlier than 1550, somewhere within the Western countries.

The sparse information about the past concludes that up until the early 1600s cricket was a children's game. Then it was taken up by working men.Big attrction was the gambling component of the cricket.Which related too much intrest in Cricket.

During the 18th century cricket became more famous due to the huge amounts of money via monetary backing and gambling. The first instance of a match to be played between countries in England is recorded to be on 29th June in the year 1709. This match was played between Surrey and Kent at Dartford Brent.

The present has every part of the Cricket which includes gambling and International bodies to arrange matches between the different countries of the world.THe cricket event called Worldcup is the most popular and moneymaker event in the world which has its own loyal fans.