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Welcome to Magical Hearts!!!

Hello everyone and thank you for checking out my site. I started this site for my Web Design class because it was my final project; to prove I could make one. It's been very hard along the way because I sometimes got lost on Pagebreeze when my teacher's lesson said to use it, but I managed till the end of this year and wa-la. Not the most awesome website, but it's still a start. Me? I never thought it'd be so hard. But this website is all thanks to my teacher's good teaching. This site is about my favorite thing: Yu-Gi-Oh!! Yup! Joey, Serenity, Yugi, Yami, Seto, Tristen and everyone else! It'll also be about it's spinn-offs like Yu-Gi-Oh GX and Yu-Gi-Oh 5D! If you love yugioh or are a fangirl like me, I hope you'll enjoy my site. It's still in final editing, because I'm not really sure what else to add to it, but i know you'll like it! Head on over to the video page where you can catch the latest AMV's of some of the coolest AMV makers on Youtube, and maybe even something suprising? Much much more to be out soon =D

My Favorite Morningstar Class

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Some Favorite Videos
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