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Friday, 16 October 2009
Darkain rp info

Darkain Lee Rioku ( Age: 69, Ht: 6’2”, Wt w/o Armor: 327 lbs , Built Big, Dark Brown Hair to shoulders, Dresses all in White usually.)

----Gear and Abilities----

-- Pindragon Blade (A seven foot long blade that is single Edge and wide, with an emblem of the Pindragon Family on the base of the blade.): Given to Darkain by a character in his story that him and his first love created, not knowing that the place actually existed. It’s a magical weapon that is tied to his emotions; focus, rage, and love. When he focuses on the Blade, it has blue energy swirling around the blade, he can perform a TK shockwave that can knock stuff back a good 20 yards, but not damaging besides what they collide with. The rage ability allows him to launch an energy beam that can travel a good 100 yards, similar to the shockwave color, but red. And with the love emotion is the most powerful, cause of the limited trigger; it turns his blade completely white. It allows him to use even more powers that are not only the shockwave and blade beam. When his mate was killed, Darkain lost control, and the trigger happened with a mix of black with the White energy, causing a lot of damage to a Battle Planet with him alone.

-- Ball Lightning (an orb that arcs lighting around his hand and arm until launched, but cause of him barely knowing the spell, it would shock his hand if not immediately released): An orb that Darkain focuses on for a minute or two, launches to hit a target. Severely injuring and paralyzing the target, this is the only spell that Darkain learned a few worlds back.

-- Cy-Tech Armor System (Consisting of 10 pieces: A Scouter that is located on his right side of his Head, next to his eye; Chest and Back pieces that holds the core of the Shield Emitters. This also the augmenting of his Strength and Agility with his upper body muscles; on his Upper arms are the shield adaptation system that allows him to adapt to weapons and to bypass force fields and barriers; The belt hold a tail that is 6 feet long, usually curled up around his waist. Something that he got to use to cause of his mate Kassie that passed away around a year ago for him; the last two amplify his lower body strength and agility. With all 10 active, he can activate a temporal shield that slows things down to allow for his full agility to be used.): His armor system is both Tech and actual armor made out of a high dense metal alloy that is super hard and heavy. The Left Bracer is his arm PC, which also holds a transporter buffer system that holds other items and gear. Think of it as a bag of holding. On his right arm is his PA-Bracer, Plasma Array Bracer that can fire 12 plasma orbs per second, for a burst lasting for 30 seconds before firing a shot every other second. It takes 12 minutes for the bracer to fully charge. Another thing that his armor can do is create a holographic image to help hide his true identity to hide who he is, and to make the armor to appear invisible. He has Medi-nanites in his body that is constantly keeping him to appear at the age of 30, and repaires and injuries that he incures. His body has been repaired so many times, he is half organic and half synthetic now.

-- Invention Skill (Preferred profession): On Earth, he created unlimited energy, 3-d circuitry, and Rail Gun technology, along with help with NASA, the Gravitronic Duel Core Rail Reactor System (GDC-RRS).

-- Sword fighting Skill (Favors the Pindragon Blade, and can wield with one hand to fight with two swords, which is the Buster Sword from his favorite game, Final Fantasy 7. Secondary Skill)

-- Interested in learning Magic (Back on Earth, He considers himself as Wiccan.)


Darkain use to work for the government, NASA, on a secret project at Area 64 on a proto-type starship based on his design of the Gravitronic Duel Core Rail System. It has the ability to use the gravity well between large objects to create a wormhole to travel faster than light. He had 2 other crew members, but they were killed on the Axylon. The Axylon was a ship that was salvaged from the Imperial Society that were into cybernetic technology. But their plan was to control the Universe by stealing free will from everyone they assimilated. He took the ship to a pre-warp world to repair and modify the ship with his technology. The world he landed on was Draciess, the Draconian homeworld. Their, he met his mate Kassie, and started up the orginization called GT, Guardian's Templar. Their, they waited for the Society to come looking for the Axylon, and thats when they strike and destroied one of their ships.

Afterwards, he begun a campain to help protect other worlds from the lies of the Imperial Society. Recruiting other worlds in the defence against the threat, until an entire galaxy joined in with GT. Afterwards, Darkain and Kassie had a daughter named Auria, and tried to have a normal life with his new family, since he doesn't want to go home to Earth. Then after a couple of years, the Imperial Society had the Guardian's Galaxy surrounded and started their onslaught. Thats when GT had to push back and started a new campain to destroy the Imperial Society. At Darkain's ship the Axylon at the front, there was one victory after another, until the battle planets of the empire arivved to the Guardian's galaxy. During a run on a battle planet, Kassie was the captian of the Highguard Celexia Burn, she was good at commanding her ship. With the Celexia and the Axylon working as one, they destroied the planets and begun the campain to take out the empire one galaxy after another.

During one of the raids on a High dense Imerial fleet, with 5 Battle planets, the Celexia Burn sacrificed itself to protect the Axylon. That enraged Darkain to the point where he could use the true power of the Pindragon Blade and ripped one apart with his blade alone. Auria, Darkain's daughter, lost her mother at the age of 15, but physicly still 12  cause of being half Draconian. After a year, Darkain tried to reinvent the transproter tech to work long range. Instead of focusing on the space below, sub-space, he focused on the space above. He got prepaired to go right into the main HQ of the Imperial Society and take them out. He turned it on, and it did work, but not the way he wanted to.

Now, he jumps from world to world, and later found out, he was traveling thru time as well. Each worlds jump lasted for a few seconds, to as long as a year. After a while longer, he learned that he also was going thru parallels and other possiblites, exspecially when he ran into Kassie who was tring to create a time machine to get him back. Now with the last world he enters, he found out that it was the Beast Wars planet, and the Energon field messed with his Quantum signature fluxing, sending him to the far reaches of the Quantumverses, splitting and copied to other possibilities. This is the start of the Quantum Fracture, how many Darkains are out their, and what new Dangers, if any, a waits him...

Posted by darkainrioku at 7:57 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 22 October 2009 6:50 PM EDT
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