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a DIY Solar Panel
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
DIY Solar Panel

Why Should You Use a DIY Solar Panel

There has been a lot of fuss about solar panels, although people want to implement them in order to save on their energy bill, they’re put off because of the costs needed to install such a device. And I don’t blame them, it would take more than a year in most cases to bring back their investment made on a solar panel.

What they don’t know and what most of the companies that construct solar panels don’t want you to know, is that you can construct your own DIY Solar Panel from the courtesy of your home, for possibly less than 200$, if you manage to find cheap enough material, you can construct it even for 100$, and you are going to get a DIY Solar Panel with solid quality which has a real power for collecting solar energy. The picture below presents a constructed DIY Panel


A DIY Solar Panel VS A Pre-made Solar Panel

If you were to buy a pre-made solar panel and had someone to install it in your home for you.. you would’ve spent thousands of dollars for it. While on the other side, you can literally construct your own DIY Solar Panel for a tenth of those costs. One of the main advantages with the DIY panel is that it is much cheaper.

In order to construct your own DIY Solar Panel, you don’t have to be an engineer, anyone can do it, even a complete novice. It is a really good investment considering that you can bring back your investment in less than month with the savings you are going to have on your power bill. The Earth For Energy website has detailed step-by-step information on how to create your own DIY Solar Panel, and I suggest you to take a look.


Free Solar Panels

Some countries have expressed interest in the possibility of been able to provide hundreds of homes in certain areas with solar electricity through the placement of free solar panels on each home.

These plans may seem like a waste of time to many people as it is every home that needs a solar panel if the aim is to help the environment and the fight against climate change.

If we want to save the environment from the possible future effects of global warming, more and more homes need to be fitted with these complimentary solar panels.

A solar panel on the roof of every home would be a great leap forward for reducing energy consumption from fossil fuel sources.

A working example of the free solar panel system can be found in Northern Ireland, where the government is installing solar panels for free to around 500 homes during 2007, in an attempt to cut water heating bills by as much as £100 a year.

This will also help the environment, reducing the strain on dirty industry power stations, although only slightly.

You do not have to wait for the government to decide when or if they will provide you with a complimentary solar panel, as there are many low priced, efficient solar electricity or hot water panels available today.

For more information on solar electricity and hot water cells, visit our solar panels page.

Solar panels work very well alongside home wind turbines, given the right climate and weather patterns, or even with geothermal heating systems.

You can greatly improve your chances of reducing your electricity bill through the use of solar technologies and other renewable energy technologies, you just have to decide on the right option to make the most of your geographical location.

If you are to undergo a large renewable energy development incorporating either; solar panels, wind turbines or geothermal system installation, then it is worth checking with your local council to see if there are any government grants available that could help with the financing of renewable energy projects.


DIY Solar Panels


Posted by danudanu at 7:30 AM EST
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