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Sinema Family Time Capsule


Time Capsule Registration

Time Capsule Description

How to Prepare a Life History 

        In order to preserve the traditions of our family and to provide a family heritage in the future, a 50-year time capsule containing a large number of narratives, photos, and other memorabilia will be sealed in April 2009. During the last part of 2008, each member of the extended family is invited to participate by preparing a life story/history and by submitting appropriate photographs or other visual items, or any other item that may be interesting to future generations. All items to be included in the time capsule will need to be submitted by 15 January 2009. It will take a few months to organize all of the information in an appropriate archival format. A small ceremony sealing the time capsule will be held in April 2009. The time capsule is scheduled to be opened on 19 April 2059, fifty years later.

       Tools and instructions for the submission of items are contained in the various pages. Aids and instructions in preparing a life history are set forth and may be used by anyone.