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Dan the Man with the Plan

The ultra-cool little website made by the coolest man ever

Hello! And welcome to my website. I am your host, Daniel Jimenez.
Allow me to give you a brief background information about me. I am
23 years old, part-time student at Mesa Community College, and I'm
awesome. I am the typical common male American who enjoys sports.
I am a fan of all the mainstream sports and a fan of all our home teams
such as: Phoenix Suns, Arizona Cardinals, Arizona Diamondbacks, and
yes...even the Phoenix Coyotes.

What are my plans for the future? Get rich or die trying! Really, I plan
to finish school, get my degree in Mass Communication and Journalism
even if it takes me 20 more years to do so, volunteer my free time to either
a hospital or charity, and travel around the world. I also see myself going
back to school once I get my first degree, I may go for a doctorate degree
in psychology. I really want that just so my name is changed to Dr.Jimenez.

Below, you will find some of my favorite pictures here.

Below, you will find links to my favorite websites.

Phoenix Suns
Arizona Cardinals
Arizona Diamondbacks
Phoenix Coyotes
My Myspace

Do not forget!
My friends and I created a DBZ RPG (DBZ = Dragon Ball Z, RPG = Role Playing Game) website when we were sophomores in high school (yes, we were super-nerdy). So, if you want to check out my first work, please visit DBZ RPG