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Saturday, 16 February 2008
Hey Hey Hey Charli B

Every time I sit down to this blog, I feel like I need to start with "Where do I begin?". Often I find myself pick up the laptop to blog, but put it down again because I literally don't know where to begin. Every day is quite an adventure!

It seems it's been a while.. again.. since my last entry!

Today we had a 'photoshoot' at Mom's for the girls. I had hoped to get some good natural light shots of Charlotte, Gabby and the girls together. I think we might have manged to get a few cutes! I am hoping we got at least one good closeup for the birth announcement in the paper. We really must get that done!

Gabby's officially attending her new school now. After much consideration we have moved her to the catholic school here. She remains in the french immersion program and is loving that. So far she seems to be enjoying her new environment though does seem a bit emotional at recent drop offs and pickups, says Greg. We are hoping that she starts to feel more settled in and makes new friends quickly. It does sound like she is playing with friends but she hasn't quite 'taken' to anyone yet. She is still quite hung up on her good friend Avery from her old school. They are so funny when they see each other at the dance studio on Thursdays, and hardly say anything at all to each other. Once she gets home though, Gabby just pines for her. She is so ecstatic that I arranged a play date for them this weekend. I can't wait to see how that turns out :) Some days it's hard to believe that Gabby's even at school. My baby is growing up.

Charlotte is growing too. She's finally starting to outgrow her preemie clothes and fit into her 0-3 month clothes. They are still soupy on her but they aren't falling off anymore at least! She's put on about a pound since she was born, and it definitely shows. Her little bum is strating to plump up and her arms too. She's still a tiny little peanut but she's much less wirnkly these days. Her legs still remain all curled up when you pick her up though.. I love that. I could just eat her up. Greg made it up this funny little song about Charlotte.. something to the effect of.. "Hey Hey Hey Charli B, _________ sitting on my knee" It makes me laugh. the tune is catchy. Perhaps I should be getting it on video.. I wish I'd think of that more often. Life around here is just too entertaining not to put on film.

well I'd be wise to try to catch some Zzzz while the girls are actually sleeping.




Posted by Mommy Czich at 8:57 PM EST
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Friday, 8 February 2008
poor neglected blog

I don't even know where to begin I started up this blog a few weeks ago in anticipation of Czich #2s arrival and haven't touched it since. We've been very busy!

On Saturday night, at 130am, I woke up, and not unlike any other night within the last couple of months, I went downstairs, flicked on the tv and got some cookies... LOL... then I had a cramp. A mild cramp. nothing serious... but I had a timer handy so I flicked it on.. and ate cookies. 5 minutes later, another cramp lasting 45 seconds, and slightly more uncomfortable. I ate more cookies. 5 minutes later, cramp lasting 1 minute. Hmm, says she, I wonder if I should wake dear snoring hubby. after counting and timing two more cramps and putting away the cookies, I woke Greg to call up to the hospital and get their opinion on whether we should come in for an assesment. They figured I could come in and be checked if I wanted. Greg and I sort of hummed and hawwed for a minute and decided to call Mom and Dad over and go on up to the hospital. We bundled up and headed off and had 3 more cramps along the way. By the 3rd one they clearly not cramps anymore. My mind was racing around the idea that I might actually be in labour! We left our bags in the car, not wanting to look too eager, and would send Greg down to tget them once they agreed to keep us. I waddled through the parking lot and into emerge where someone wished us luck form the waiting area. We finally made our way up to triage on the maternal newborn floor and they confirmed that I was still,as determined the previous week at OBGYN, 4cm dilated, and my cervix was 'stretchy'. They asked if I thought I could go home and sleep, because my contractions weren't that strong. Umm no. So, they sent me off walking around the hospital, with Greg and Mom, to be re-checked in an hour. Well, 4 hallways later my lovely cramps were a distant fond memory and I was doubled over my bed back in triage begging for drugs. I was promptly moved into a labour and delivery room at that point, and started on nitrous oxide gas. I'm not supposed to be pushing yet but I am pushing anyways. I'm totally delirius with pain so being compliant wasn't exactly at the forefront of my mind. All I knew was that when I pushed it felt much better!! Word on the street was that the nurses then realized this baby was coming fast and that they ought to bring in the doc to deliver, or they'd be delivering her themselves. I'm writhing in pain, even between contractions and the nirtrous gas proves merely to be something to muffle my screaming, as it certainly wasn't helping with the pain. I had asked for the fentanyl but they couldn't get an IV going fast enough so I never got it. I just kept pushing whenever I felt inclined and didn't care if doc was there or not. Surely someone would catch her right? All along, and as requested, Mom is kindly taking pictures of me in labour, to remind me at a later date why we will never have another child (and of course, to capture the miracle on film :). Dr Jony was on call that night and did arrive ...eventually. Once I got my legs up this baby was ready! Once Dr Jony broke my water, within a couple big pushes, and an excruciating second degree re-tear later, she was out! The lights were shining down on us in the otherwise dark room, and there she was.. the doctor laid our baby girl on my chest on 3:52 AM. Ta daa! Charlotte Bronwyn. 6 lbs 10 oz, 19 inches long, and a full wet mop of thick black hair! She was gorgeous.

 Because we didn't have any 'good drugs' Charlotte and I were in great spirits, completely alert, and totally in love directly following her birth. I was up and out of bed within the hour, seeking a shower, and some frozen maxipads LOL I finally sent Greg out to get our bags from the car. I guess they were keeping us!  About five hours later Momma and Papa brought the proud big ster, Gabby, up to see her little sister. It was so awesome to see the girls come together. To see our daughters and our family become complete.  Gabby was instantly in love with her. 

We stayed the mandatory 24 hours and then took our baby Charlotte home to start our life as a family of four.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I'll turn 30. For years I've thought about this birthday. The big 3-oh! It's a birthday where one is really forced to look at their life and evaluate 'how you're doing'. By 30 one is expected to be something.. to be somewhere.. to have something to show in life! So, I've done a lot of looking at my life and couldn't be more pleased and proud of how I'm doing!

Posted by Mommy Czich at 9:07 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 16 February 2008 9:00 PM EST
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Wednesday, 16 January 2008
one week from today...

So baby Dill is due one week from today. I sure wish she'd surprise us with an early debut! I think everyone is hoping she'll arrive this weekend, which would certainly please me just fine! But I would be happy to wait too. I know she will come when she is ready. I suppose she wouldn't be a true Czichadee if she didn't insist on doing things on her own terms ;-)

I was in to the doctor yesterday and I am now 4cm dilated! How exciting is that! That's practically half way there! At this rate, by my due date, perhaps she will just fall out! ha. I'll make sure Greg has a catchers mitt ready! I have been having braxton hicks contractions since I was about 6 months but in the last few days, they have been constant. I have had a couple 'real ones' tossed in there, but nothing regular :-/ As I type my belly is tightening up across the top and turning into a very firm ball. I can't imagine what that would feel like to be inside... I am picturing a claustrophobic situation here. Thank heavens she doesn't know what it feels like to be outstretched yet.

Czich 1 is somewhat patiently waiting for her sister to come along. She is fairly certain that the baby is going to come during the night, and she is going to wake up a big sister. I can't wait to see them together, our girls!

Gabby has a cold. The girl is just like me when she is sick... demanding, impossible to please, and plainly, a big ole suck. She comes by it honestly, but in true Gabby form she sprinkles on a little drama too. 

Today she told me I should not drink too much water. When I asked why, she put her arms up over her head in a circle and said, "It will make your belly like an aclarium (aquarium), and the baby won't be able to  breathe and she will die!". Ever since we told her that I should not be consuming products with aspartame she feels the need to be the baby's guardian. Heaven forbid she sees me having a coffee!

Well off to bed I go. Sleep hours are rare and I am thinking I might be able to snag a few Zzz.


Posted by Mommy Czich at 9:18 PM EST
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Tuesday, 15 January 2008
8 days and counting.

Well this is our first blog entry of the brand new webpage. It's a total pipe dream to think I will be able to keep up a journal for the girls, but I owe them a try! My goal will be to write here at least once a week, add pics, and give family and friends an inside peek at the raising of 'the girls'.. *aka* the czichadees (pron: chik-a-deez).

Czichadee #2 (by birth order), *aka* Dill, Dilly, Baby C is due in just 8 days now. We are so anxious, and ecstatic to welcome a new baby girl to the family. Greg is such a wonderful 'daughter Daddy' that it just felt right to hear we were expecting another bundle in pink. Czichadee #1 *aka* Gabrielle, Gabby, Gumball, of course, was thrilled with the news that she is going to have a little sister. The questions are endless, and we are so happy to oblige. I cannot wait to see her become a big sister and see how our newest Czich changes and adds to our family.

Posted by Mommy Czich at 9:30 AM EST
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