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adding, subtracting, multiplying,and dividing integers and fractions

Adding integers If it has the same sign add the numbers and keep the sign. (-10)+(-7)=-17 If the problem has a different sign use the sign of the larger number ,and then you subtract the smaller from the larger. (-6)+12=6 Adding fractions If different denominator make it the same. 1/2+3/7= 7/14+6/14= 13/14 Substracting integers If subtracting add the additive inverse you add them together, the sum is zero. -7-4=11 (-14)-(-6) Multiplying integers and fractions Rules of multiplying (+)(+)=+ (-)(-)=+ (+)(-)=- (-)(+)=- If you are multiplying fractions you times the numerator and numerator denominator and denominator dividing integers and fractions rules of dividing +/+=+ -/-=+ +/-=- -/+=- If you are dividing fractions you mutiply by the numbers on the right side. 2/8 / 2/9 2/8*9/2=18/16 / 2=9/8

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