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Text Box: Girl Friday

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Text Box: Computer Skills and Tutoring

Text Box: Keep in contact with your grandchildren.

Text Box: In this modern age it’s easy to keep in touch with the family, learn how to create a Flickr-Yahoo account or a Picasa WebAlbum-Google account. You can make it for every-one to see or just the family.  And if you feel really adventuress how about having your own family web-site prefect for extended families to keep in touch and to see what is actually happening all over the world.What about com-piling your favorite music for copying to a  CD or a MP3 player. Prefect for walks or even drives. With a DVD’s you can burn your videos from  your Camera or Recorders. Learn how to make your own slideshow using your favorite pictures and music easily. This is a great idea for Children's Birthdays, Wedding Anniversaries, Family Reunions, your Pets or even the Family Vacations you never thought you would survive with the kids. Here you can share the milestone forever!

Text Box: Learn how surf the  net and shop with safety. Understanding why it’s important to back up your information and how to do it, can save you major headaches in case of loss, theft, fire or even flooding. You can even scan paper documents for you to have a copy else where. This is prefect idea for health or records prescriptions. Some-times you have to change doctors or medicines, this way you have your record of your own health care or that of a family member, ideal if you travel here or abroad!

Text Box: If you own pets-here an idea you can scan the receipts  from  the vet keep the information on a flash drive. Here you can store such information as vaccines, medical history as well any medication that your pets could be taken and in case of emergencies all the animals’ history is available no matter where you go.