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As new innovations make their contribution to the manner in which things get done, shopping is also not left behind.

Carrying out monthly shopping with no hard cash is no longer seen as a strange thing. At filling stations, gas can be

filled into the car without providing any form of real cash. All these are presently being done digitally and loyalty

cards have come into play.

Due to trends in shopping habits, points gained from these incentives can be viewed with a bit of seriousness. At one

time, almost all shopping was carried out using cash. Therefore any client would acknowledge receipt of available

discounts only in form of lowered prices at a teller point. It made it quite challenging to introduce the reward programs.

With a credit and debit card, it is no longer necessary for one to handle hard cash. This reduces the risk a store is

exposed to of getting robbed for the cash collections because thugs are aware that cash is not available. Marketing trends

have conversely changed in a big way within a short period. Some of it can be seen in the form of numerous incentives

provided in the markets.

The reward program was initially a strategy put in place by shopping malls to get clients to have them only in mind. The

programs would therefore involve awarding of points every time a customer shopped at a specific store. The points continue

accumulating over a period of time and can later be redeemed whenever individuals feel they need to do so.

The intention of the reward program is supposed to ensure that clients look forward to their next shopping experience at a

specific store that avails the incentives. This in turn will make the customer very choosy in terms of the outlets he will

be buying items. It is beneficial for clients to keep accumulating the points since they can be redeemed for a wide

variety of items.

With time, it became something prestigious in that clients viewed it as belonging to prominent malls. This meant shopping

trips made to stores earned points which are redeemable for either products or services. One therefore gains from being a

faithful member.

With the scheme, customers get discounts in a very innovative way. The only downside is that without the cards, no points

are earned. This means that shopping gains one no discounts. Having loyalty cards is therefore viewed to be highly


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