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                      Custom Soap Box - A Perfect Way to Showcase Your Soap




The Packaging boxes were a revolutionizing idea for the packaging industry. As said by Eric Davis “Packaging and Presentation is everything”. So it has to be good. All the materials used before were flawed and had a lot of drawbacks. Tin production was limited and cutting and designing was difficult when it came to customization. Glass containers could not be printed and the printed of paper to be pasted on glass added to the cost. Also glass breaks on exposure to heat and cold and cannot withstand much stress.



Paper bags were not strong enough to hold heavy materials and tore up. Woven baskets would get dirty and were difficult to keep clean. As carrying edible products in dirty bags is highly unhygienic. Baskets made from plants were prone to carry bacteria and other microorganisms and tend to attract insects.



But cardboard boxes have all the material’s advantages and none of the drawbacks. Cardboard boxes don’t break on exposure to cold or hot temperatures; neither do they carry any microorganisms. They can be disposed of easily and can be printed in desired prints easily. They have options of capacity like no other packaging material before.



Perforated cardboard boxes are so strong that they can withstand a lot of weight and stress which make it ideal for transporting materials I ships and airplanes.



Soap Packaging -

Soap Packaging:



Soap is basically a salt of a fatty acid. It is used in households for bathing, cleaning, washing clothes, cleaning utensils etc. They are also used as lubricants and emulsifying agent in many industrial processes.



They are used for hygienic purposes basically as they act as removal agent for the stains from fabric and other surfaces. Soap industry is a big one with a lot of competition. And the soap and the soap boxes should be able to compete with the other soaps in the market.




The history shows that some form of soap was used from 2800 BC, in Babylon. Even the Egyptians scripture has the use of a raw form of soap as old as in 1550 BC. The use of soap or any form of soap has been a part of human civilization in a way or the other.

Benefits of Soap packaging:



Soap Packaging is undoubtedly a big challenge for soap companies. What is the thing that makes a customer buy a particular soap? That is the question that companies work on and come up with new innovative ideas to capture customer attention. Soap Boxes are mostly made of cardboard or hardened paper that printed and laminated on one side and dry from the inside. Custom Soap Boxes are shaped by companies in different shapes to fit the soap bars and colored in the colors of either the soap or the flavored ingredient that gives the particular smell to the soap. Soap packaging requires a lot of thought because the box should be able to withstand stress as though that the soap is not deformed. Also, it should be able to protect the soap from exposure from water and moisture. As moisture or air could cause the soap to get use up. As the exposure to humidity can cause its size to reduce. Also, the soap loses its texture and aroma. Altogether the soap goes bad and useless.



The custom soap packaging is designed so that the product is kept fresh for use. If the soap packaging box is damaged somehow the soap could be useless as I will lose all its aroma and effect. The foam will not be formed. There is a certain amount of moisture maintained in the soap to keep it a bit soft, but if the packaging is damaged it could cause the soap to go completely dry which render the soap useless.



The cartons in which the soaps are packed are strong domes that can tolerate a lot of stack weight and this makes storage very easy. More stacking means less storage space and that accounts for more units to be stored.

8 Tips to Answer All Your Custom Soap Boxes Packaging Needs




Soap packaging is mostly printed with bright and fresh color to give the customer an impression of freshness. Some soaps also contain ingredients like menthol which actually has a great effect on the skin and gives a feeling of coolness to the person. These soaps usually have ice imagery printed on the packaging material. These tactics attract a lot of customers in the summer season.  Custom Soap Packaging boxes have changed the way we think about the products. Like Steve Jobs said, “Packaging is a theater, it creates a story”. These boxes act as silent marketers and keep the product safe and intact. They help in selling the product and showing the customers what the product has to offer. They are cheap which helps in keeping the prices of the product customer-friendly. They are environment-friendly as they can be disposed of easily and can be recycled to make different things.



It is shaped in squares, rectangles and many other solid shapes which help in predetermining their place of storage. So everything can be planned in case of cardboard boxes. They can be customized pre cut to fulfill the product’s purpose. Any type of colors can be printed on the boxes. And there is ample space for all types of marketing statements and handling instructions to be printed on. All sides of the boxes can be printed on with whatever desired by the producer of the product.



The packaging boxes have made all other packaging materials obsolete with its unlimited usage methods. Cardboard boxes are used by all types of manufacturers in all fields of the world. It is packaging used for all purposes of life. Even when they have fulfilled their purpose as product packaging they still serve as packaging for clothes and utensils in homes on daily basis. Also, these boxes can serve as card holders and can be used to craft different useful daily use things. Soap packaging is as important as the soap itself.