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Help! What to Try When Baby Won’t Stop Crying

Crying baby

There’s nothing that can compare with a crying baby to put a parents blood pressure level on the rise. In fact, it’s nature’s supply of us to respond quickly to our baby. Our heartbeat increases, our blood pressure levels does actually rise as well as our hand grip gets stronger.

Why babies cry is really a question that has many answers.

stop baby crying

You will find the obvious factors, needless to say, hunger, the need for a nappy change, tiredness and overstimulation. In newborns crying sometimes it is a simple matter of adjustment! They were inside for a long time and today they’re out and the cool air and bright lights try taking a little getting used to.

When you hear your child cry

The best thing to do is just to pick her up. Assess her immediate needs and if everything has been tended to and she’s still crying, just let her cry in your comforting arms.

Within the Aware Baby, Dr. Aletha Solter discusses this “crying-in-arms” approach, stating that sometimes babies cry only to relieve stress. Allowing your infant to do so in your embrace permits her to feel comforted even while getting out the tears.

Typically, after 10 to 15 minutes the crying stop. Baby crying that long can put an extra stress on mum or dad, however, so don’t hesitate to connect your earphones to bar out those ear shattering cries for a couple minutes.

If your baby cries more than 3-hours a day

Talk to your doctor about colic. If you find your baby can’t be comforted after A couple of hours of constant crying or if their stomach appears swollen or distended call your medical professional immediately.

What do you do to avoid your baby’s cries? Are you a proponent of letting baby alone when he cries or would you dash to take him in arms? We love hearing from you!