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When I was in the sixth grade, I played in the elementary band. My parents would not allow me to practice my tuba in the house, so I had to go outside and play to the cows. The cows did not seem to mind my company or my loud horn.

The president of the United States was JFK when I was in the sixth grade. My parents did not like him because they thought he was too young. He did not do much and then he died when I was in the eighth grade. I was in Indiana History class when the principal announced that Kennedy had been killed. He died in Houston, Texas from a gun shot. Seems that this guy named Oswald really did not like him. Oswald shot Kennedy from a large building that the motorcade passed.

Since this time, there have been many theories about how Kennedy was killed1.

  1. The Russian did it
  2. The Mafia did it
  3. The FBI did it
  4. The CIA did it
  5. Castro did it
  6. Johnson did it
  7. Bush did it
The story continues and new theories come out of the woodwork.

Our next president was Lyndon Johnson who got us mixed up in the Vietname War. Kennedy got us there but Johnson made a real mess. Many men who would young and now old fought and are still fighting in that war. It never seems to end.

© Shane Wiebenga

