Sara Broxton
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Sara Broxton
Name :: Sara Broxton
Age :: Twenty Three
Home City :: Chicago, IL
Affiliation :: Independent.

Profession :: Formerly, Network Engineer
Skill level :: Thoroughly skilled with most computer systems (Comp Lvl. 4)

Haven :: Her van aka The Haven-Mobile
Marital Status :: Single
Surviving Family :: Thomas Broxton (father), Brenda Broxton (mother)

Race :: Cainite, Thinblood
Gender :: female
Hair Color :: Blonde
Eye Color :: Brown

Special Traits
Insight Lvl 2: From time to time ,gods will it, she receives messages, images from Oblivion, the Great Beyond. Never literal and rarely easy to decipher, such flashes of insight can have a toll on the psyche of one so young.

Biological Anomalies: From time to time portions of her body’s anatomy has the curious habit of reacting, perhaps one night her lungs, another her heart, so on and so on. It occurs at random but she’s starting to suspect a link between it and exertion of her self.


Born in 1986 in Chicago,IL, to parents Thomas and Brenda Brockson she grew up in a middle class family, the daughter of a steel worker. From an early age she displayed a knack for technology, particularly with computers. Despite this her life was rather uneventfull but as she grew older several of her friends began to associate with individuals her parents considered..unsavory. Naturally she followed along with her friends. Over time she became involved with a small group of drug pushers by the time she was sixteen. Unsure what to do her parents did the the only thing they could, pushed her harder on her academics. This had the odd result of focusing herself even further on her love of technology, computers and networks in general but also only slightly cut her ties to her friends.

Upon graduating highschool she enrolled at ITT to pursue a career in network engineering. However over time her studies took a dive as she became further embroiled in her companions....misadventures. During this time she began to feel as if she was being watched and would constantly recieve phone calls at night , calls to which noone answered when she picked up. After a drive by shooting claimed the lives of two of her companions, she attempted to sever her ties with that world and focus on her studies. Despite this her stalker never stopped , and attempts by police to track the calls were fruitless. At the same time she began talking to a man she met in a chat room on the internet. Two months after graduation she was determined to go and travel europe as she had planned for years but first decided to meet her friend from the internet. The details of that night are a blur to her. She remembers the gentleman, Brian, and having a few drinks at a local bar and nothing after that.

Her next memories haunt her to this day. Awaking the next night on a slab inside a cabinet in the local coroners office she fought hard and screamed to escape her sudden prison, still not yet realizing what it was. The assistant medical examiner , slightly shocked and partially anticipating a prank yanked open her slab. Hungered and acting on instinct she instantly pounced on the man, ripping a ragged hole in his throat. Stealing the mans clothes she took off into the night. Finding her van right where she parked it miles away from the morgue,and not yet discovered by the police, she took it and drove to her appartment. Over the next several nights she tried to deal with what was happening to her, scared out of her mind. After a rather tense conversation with her mother she decided to go stay with her cousin in New York City for a while, away from her parents. This did not last long. A child of late night horror marathons, she quickly learned what she needed to survive, making it up as she went along. Almost killing several people in the process. Three weeks later she encountered a man on a motorcycle who reminded her of the type of men she use to hang out with..and date. He was crude, and threatened her, using words she didnt know. Smashing her face into her van, he said he would be back for her with friends if she didnt leave...and that he was being generous tolerating her for even a night. With some carefully rehearsed words to her parents she convinced them to wire her the money she needed for her trip to europe, telling them she was going with a man she met during college, one of the friends she talked about constantly.

From that moment she took off in her van, using it as her home but not before being chased by those who threatened her. Escaping on foot at first she hid in a construction site. Hiding in the darkness she suddenly realized, she could see everything in the site, piercing the darkness. In the same night she manage to avoid a thrown knife but only barely, the blade slashing her side. Escaping barely, she moved from city to city never staying long, afraid of encountering another like the man in new york. She did encounter one other in Memphis,....saying something about a ball or costume party or something that made little sense to well as something called the camaluna or carmilla or something of that nature, or at least thats what she thought he said. She kept on the move and recently has pulled in to Port Lussuria. Not sure how long she will stay, she figures this place will do as well as any to find food for the time being.