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Learn more about the job description of a criminal lawyer Fort Lauderdale who specializes in false allegation cases. Get an immediate impression on how he operates and gets the job done.

False Allegations: How a Criminal Lawyer Fort Lauderdale Can Win Your Case

When faced with false allegations that involve the sexual abuse of a child, it is no secret that the first thing that the accused should do is find a good criminal lawyer Fort Lauderdale. This professional will be responsible for gathering evidences, counseling his client and other testimonies, and build a fail proof defense strategy. However, in order for the expert to somehow assure his client of freedom, he first needs to do his utmost best in what is known as the pretrial motions. This hearing is done before the actual trial, and at this point, all sides are acquainted with other experts that will provide information and testimony relevant to the case. In the case of child molestations, psychologists and doctors are commonly present.

The success of a criminal lawyer Fort Lauderdale during this pretrial hearing can prove to be an essential factor for the judge and jury to favor his client's side. So how can an attorney win in a pretrial motion? Of course, it would be very easy to convince the judge and jury that the accused is innocent if he is actually innocent.

During the pretrial hearing, a good criminal lawyer Fort Lauderdale ought to take advantage of what is called as the jury view. It is a simple way of asking the jury members to visit the scene of the crime so they can see firsthand the evidences that prove the innocence of his client. For example, supposed the jury members visited the house where the child molestation is said to have ocurred, they will instantly see the location of the rooms, as well as the positioning of the furniture. To give a better explanation on why these things are important to know, here's an example where jury view helped free an innocent man. The accuser said she was molested in the upstairs bathroom with the door open. Her mom and sister were sitting downstairs in the living room, adjacent to the bathroom. With jury view, the members learned that the only bathroom is located downstairs, in full view of the living room. Thus, the jury automatically knew that the accuser was lying.

Next, a criminal lawyer Fort Lauderdale can easily win in a pretrial hearing by simply using visual aids, especially when the accuser seems to have a knack for expanding the truth. For child molestation cases, it is normal for a child to make up stories if he is being treated by everyone as a victim and not someone who is complaining about the act of another. Thus, the accused may be charged with ten different indictments against the child. Visual aids will help break down each of these charges and show any inconsistencies that will prove these allegations as lies.

Finally, consider once again the important role of the jury members in the pretrial hearing. Usually, they have already been selected and are present at this time, and this is the first time when they will hear about the charge. More often than not, when the subject of child molestation is raised, jury members automatically come up with negative opinions about the accused. Thus, it is the attorney's job to appeal to them in such a way that they won't be offended, and that they will see the "molested" child as a fellow complainant.