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Credit information

Until now, if a consumer wanted to know what category you have placed the Credit Score. Agencies, had to pay for a copy of your report. The annual report is available free to consumers in the three major credit rating agencies Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

The main purpose of the law is to help consumers identify identity theft, a crime which has increased more rapidly in recent years due to more frequent use of credit cards and shopping via the Internet. With a better understanding of their own consumer credit report are more likely to detect the expenses they did not and may be the result of identity theft.

On the other hand, access to credit report allows consumers to see if there were errors which have been denied loans or by applying to them higher interest rates as low grade borrowers. Consumers who obtain their credit report if they appear to be fixed account numbers or amounts for expenses for which they are responsible. Those who steal identities used these documents to make quick purchases before they detect the fraudulent use of credit cards.

They should also check to see if any remains in the nonpayment report that they are guilty and from which they have spent more than seven years. Other details to be observed in a credit report include notices of late payments that the consumer believes he made in time, and announcements of several collection agencies by a single debt.

Why is Credit Report Important ?

A credit report is significant for a number of reasons. When customers make purchases by credit, their payment history is reported to the three most important credit reporting agencies. Several companies will analys your credit history to resolve if they want to do business with you.