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Welcome to the Coalition of Racial Alliances Website

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Mission Statement

Coalition of Racial Alliances, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization, and oppressed people of color in Georgia. We educate, train, and activateorganizers, individuals, graoups, organizations, institutions, and businesses to investin interrupting racism, racial inequality, bigotry, social injustice and prejudice whenever encountered. We envision a world where society, education, criminal justice, healthcare, and housing are fair and inclusive, enableing all people to participate and reach their full potential. We believe in the humanity an dignity of all people.


We strive for a healthy and prosperous society that promotes people of color having equitable access and opportunity. Systemic and institutional inequalities, especially in matters of race, remain significant barriers for people of color and communities working to reach their full potential. We recognize that in order to achieve our missionwe must be the changes we want to see in society. We will lead with compassion for community outreach, social justice, and stand in the gap to support all those who are affected by inequity, create space at the table for all groups to contribute, support economic growth in diversity, and build a society that is committed to engaging the voices and respecting the humanity and dignity of all people.