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                                                 5 Most Useful Web Hosting Coupons for Your Website

A web hosting account is a rented space that keeps and displays your website content to your clients through a web browser. It is different from a domain name although the latter is used to redirect your visitors to your website files. A web host account costs money to own. For some webmasters, it sounds so expensive but professional hosting account is inevitable if you want to succeed on the net. To get cheaper hosting accounts, you should use web hosting coupons or discount codes e.g. BlueHost Promo code.  Here are 5 most useful hosting coupons for your website's needs.


#1: Domain name coupon


Reputable and cheap hosting providers offers free domain name once you purchase a 1 year hosting plan for your business. However, you will be required to renew the domain name at a cost once the 1 year period is over. You can take advantage of domain name renewal coupons to reinstate your domains at reduced prices. Also, if your hosting account does not come with a free domain, use a domain name coupon to get the cheapest prices


#2: New customers discounts


Most web hosting give great discounts to new customers. E.g. BlueHost offers unlimited hosting for $3.95/mo. Some hosting will also offer great discounts once you reach a certain threshold with your order. It can be $20, $50 or $100 depending on the hosting companies prevailing offers. Discounted hosting plans can help you save more when developing your sites. You can get great discounts of more than 50% and save enough for a rainy day.


#3: Web hosting recurring discounts


If you are strapped for cash, you can take advantage of web hosting recurring discounts for your websites. These discounts are the best because they allow you to renew your subscription in the same discounted price that you started with during signup. In addition, such discounts do not have any limitations whatsoever. They are the best when it comes to creating personal blogs, small and medium based business websites. Recurring web hosting coupons guarantee the cheapest lifetime discounts without any interruptions.


#4: SSL and domain private discounts


If you are running an online shopping cart or a sensitive business requiring customers to submit private information, you should use a SSL certificate. This security feature costs almost $100 per year. However, you can use discounts like GoDaddy SSL coupon code to get them for $5.99yr in the first year. Domain privacy is also a good feature that hides your domain registration information from praying eyes (e.g. telemarketing and hackers). While the privacy feature may cost you a fortune, you can use domain private registration coupons to get them for $9.99/yr.


#5: Email hosting coupons


Finally, your business needs a professional email to communicate to your clients well. Good email accounts allow you to create unlimited contacts. Auto-responders as well as email marketing campaigns. In addition, plans should give you real time stats and progress of your email marketing campaigns. To buy this innovative and useful feature, you can use discounted email coupons to reduce your monthly subscription costs. All of the above coupons are the best and cheapest. Remember, BlueHost discount guarantees an "all-in-one" plan that caters for all hosting features.