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Benefits Of Video Production For Businesses

Video production for businesses has taken on added importance, as the attention span of the consumer grows shorter and shorter. Being able to transmit large amounts of information, without relying on long periods of time to do so is crucial.

Simply put, video production allows a company to communicate in a way that other promotional tools cannot successfully replicate. Businesses who have yet to embrace the concept of video production risk falling behind their competitors and being unable to bridge the gap over the long haul.

Let's take a moment to examine a few of the benefits that video production can offer businesses in the modern marketplace.


1. Video Is Now The Preferred Advertising Medium

Gone are the days when a business could rely on cold calls or print advertising to get their point across. The modern consumer has more demands being made on their time (and their eyeballs) than ever before.

As a result, video production for businesses is on the rise. If a company can create an engaging video and upload it to YouTube, they are able to reach far more people throughout the world than old world advertising techniques ever could.

2. Your Competitors Are Already Using Video Production

So you aren't using video production to help your business? This is bad news, since your competitors are already embracing all of the benefits that video production has to offer. If you are not producing your own high quality videos, the competition most assuredly is.

Online video content is now part of even the most rudimentary marketing schemes. When videos are attached to landing pages, they are proven to dramatically increase conversion rates and lead to a much higher return on an initial investment. Attaching a video to an e-mail correspondence also serves to increase the open rate.

3. Increased Mobile Access

More and more consumers are increasing their level of reliance on their smartphones and companies that want to exist on the cutting edge must tailor their content accordingly. The modern consumers uses their phone to make purchases and to research items that they are considering using.

Online video is causing marketers to shift their resources into creating clips that are easily digestible, that can be watched on the go. Any business that wants to establish a foothold in this brave new world needs to get with the times or get left behind.

4. Efficiency

Most of the older advertising methods focused on blanketing a certain city or region, inundating them with print ads, billboards, television commercials and cold calls, hoping that these methods would provide the appropriate return on their initial investment.

Now, online videos are all of the rage and instead of spending big money on advertising methods that may or may not work, companies can focus their energy on planting their flag at all of the popular social media hubs. This lets them speak to their audience directly, at a fraction of the price.

5. Emotional Connection

Video production helps a business to increase their emotional connection with their clientele. The average consumer tends to develop more of a lasting bond with a company and the products/goods/services that they sell when there is an accompanying video to entertain them.

Businesses use video production as a means of presenting evocative imagery that will stand out in the mind of the consumer. These images invoke emotions, which leads to an increased connection between business and oustomer. In a world where businesses are becoming personified, video production will only continue to grow in importance. - corporate-videos