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How To Use Light In Photography

High quality pictures are not all about having a good quality camera. The most important factor that affects the quality of the images is the presence of light and shadows. In case you would like to capture amazing and artistic photos, then you need learn the tricks that professional photographers do when it comes to lighting. Here are some of the techniques they use.

Use Broad Light Source

If you want your photos to come with smooth textures, then you need to use a broad light source. Broad light source lessen the shadows as well as suppress the texture of your subject, which makes it look prettier. You need broad light especially when you are shooting portraits.

The Light Source Must Be Close to Your Subject

If the light source is very far, only a small amount of light will fall to your subject. On the other hand, if you move your light source closer to your subject, the light will become broader. Therefore, if you want to ensure that you will have high quality pictures, you need to make sure that your model will stand close to your light source. This will also enable your studio lighting equipment to illuminate light naturally and evenly.

Use FrontLighting Carefully

Front lighting can enhance or degrade the quality of your pictures, thereby you need to make sure that you will use front lighting wisely.  Front lighting can cover up the blemishes and scars on the face of your subject, which make it advisable for you to use this when shooting portraits. On the other hand, it is not advisable to use this type of lighting when shooting landscapes, since front lighting de-emphasize textures. If you are shooting landscapes, you need to emphasize textures with the use of side lighting.

Use Shadows to Give a Three Dimensional Effect

People think that shadows are bad, but they are not as long as you use it properly. In fact shadows can make your photos more alive because of the three dimensional effect that it provides. Of course, you set the type of shadows you want with the use of lighting equipment.

With proper lighting, you will be able to produce amazing photographs. The camera is a tool that you can use to capture images. However, the lighting equipment determine the quality of images that you will get. Therefore, whether you are going to shoot landscapes or portraits, always make sure that you have a complete set of lighting equipment.

Are you planning to buy camera accessories or new sets of professional lighting packages? In case you are, then you can visit our website.