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GMUUC Newsletter

That keeps an open mind to the religious questions you have struggled with in all times and places? Where personal experience, conscience and reason are believed to be the final authorities in religion, and that in the end religious authority lies not in a book or person or institution, but in yourself? Where no one is required to subscribe to a creed? Where everyone is welcomed in a safe, accepting community with open hearts and minds? Where people nurtue one another in spiritual growth and the expression of personal values through service to people and the planet? Where the congregation is self-governing. Authority and responsibility are vested in the membership? Georgia Mountains Unitarian Universalist Church may be for you. Come and visit. Service is held every Sunday at 11:00 am. Dress is Casual. Children's Religious Education meets concurrently Our mission is to be a safe, accepting community of diverse people with open hearts and open minds who nurture one another in spiritual growth and the expression of personal values in service to people and our planet.