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Hydroponics - Sustainable Technology for Community Food


Today, hydroponics is an established branch of agronomical science. Progress has been rapid, and results obtained in various countries have proved it to be thoroughly practical and to have very definite advantages over conventional methods of horticulture. The two chief merits of the soil less cultivation of plants are, first, much higher crop yields, and secondly, the fact that hydroponics can be used in places where ordinary agriculture or gardening is impossible. Thus not only is it a profitable undertaking, but one which has proved of great benefit to humanity. People living in crowded city streets, without gardens, can grow fresh vegetables and fruits in window-boxes or on house tops. By means of hydroponics all such places can be made to yield a regular and abundant supply of clean, health-giving green stuff. Not only town dwellers, but also country residents have cause to be thankful to soil less culture.


Conexon provides know how and helps you establish your own hydroponic garden for residential or commercial use. We take pride in being the first in India to integrate this technology in the building designs we do. For a country like India, this technology is the answer to growing food demand. By practicing this as a part of built environment we make sure that healthy and non toxic home grown food is available to our clients. Get in touch with us to know more about it.