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Conducive IT Solutions
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Useful SharePoint Collaboration Features

SharePoint allows organizations to store files in a centralized location which can be accessed quickly and easily by team members. It offers efficient access and revision control on documents and lets users to build teams sites within the company's intranet. Teams members can create, share and manage documents and integrate it well with various business applications. Here are some of the SharePoint collaboration features that your company can significantly benefit from.

Tasks – Create, Assign and Check Tasks Updates

Announcements – Inform other team members about project announcements.

Calendars – Set meetings and manage recurring activities and mark them on your team calendar.

Document Libraries – Create a library of multiple documents for easy access, sharing and document management.

Surveys – Set up a survey that team members can vote on. This feature has customizable survey options.

 Discussion Forums – Create forums and discuss important issues and share experiences and expertise with your team.

Alerts – Receive notifications about the changes that happen throughout your projects.

Manage Document Metadata – Keep different types of documents having similar metadata in one library.

Document Versioning – Create major and minor document version numbers whenever changes have been made on the documents.

If you want to know more about Microsoft SharePoint, simply visit the Conducive website through the given links,





Posted by conducive at 12:00 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 9 June 2013 12:06 AM EDT
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Saturday, 8 June 2013
What is SharePoint Workflow?

SharePoint Workflow is defined as the automated movement of various documents or items through a series of tasks related to a business process. It is often used to efficiently manage different business processes by enabling an organization to incorporate a set of instructions to documents and items that specifies and controls the actions rendered to specific documents. 

Workflows can reduce the cost and time needed to coordinate different business processes (for example. Project approval, document review and tracking task updates). You can attach a workflow to a document library which routes the document to team members for approval.

The workflow creates approval tasks, assigns tasks to team members and sends email notification to members together with a link to the document. While the workflow is on going, the document author or the workflow owner and the participants can check the status of the project, which participants have completed their assigned tasks through the Workflow Status page.

When the participants have all completed their tasks, the workflow automatically ends and the workflow owner will be immediately notified about it.  End-users can access workflows at the document library level. Multiple workflows can be attached to any given document and can run simultaneously on a single document.  

If you want to know more about the topic discussed, simply visit the Conducive website at

Posted by conducive at 11:04 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 9 June 2013 12:07 AM EDT
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How to Make Your SharePoint Team Site More User-Friendly
Microsoft SharePoint allows you to build team sites for quicker and more efficient data management and team collaboration. To make the most out of your team site, here are some tips to help you enhance its usability.

1. To make user experience more efficient, you may want to avoid feature bloating since SharePoint definitely comes with a lot of them. Remember to activate only the features that are truly needed.

2. Use a couple of user-friendly icons that link to corresponding libraries or list. 

3. Use minimalistic templates for your site and avoid creating multiple-page libraries.

4. Always place a sticky training site link on the top navigation containing a screenshot or video  based SharePoint usage tips like adding and deleting items, how to use the ribbon options, navigating through pages, downloading documents, etc.

5. Keep wiki and blog pages running on distinct site collections than the main team sites for better document management.

6. Create a simple and consistent top navigation. SharePoint users call this the Global Navigation which would ideally contain the top elements that you frequently need to have on hand (for example, links to various pages or subsites)

7. Avoid left/right scrolling. It could get so frustrating to have to scroll back and forth just to be able to read or view the entire content of a webpage.


If you are looking for professional SharePoint consultants, simply visit the Conducive website at

Posted by conducive at 10:20 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 9 June 2013 12:07 AM EDT
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What is Data Management?

Data management is the establishment and execution of structures, policies and practices in order to effectively manage a company's data or information lifecycle requirements. Effective data management is an integral part of any company’s success as the sheer volume of information that must be managed by many organizations never stop growing.

Data life cycle management is a policy-based method used to manage the flow of information throughout its life cycle – from creation and storage to the time when the data is already obsolete and finally deleted. Several companies offering data management solutions provide different products but the most effective data management tool involves efficient procedures and adheres to best practices and suitable applications.

There are different approaches in data management. For example, Master data management is a comprehensive system of enabling a company to link every critical data to one file which is called the master file. The master file, gives a common point of reference.

The analysis and management of large volumes of data is usually associated with cloud computing because it requires a reliable framework to distribute work and share valuable data among hundreds or thousands of users in different geographical locations.

Businesses, other organizations and even government agencies make use of various data management strategies to be able to keep up with the fast-growing pools of data which could involve countless terabytes or even petabytes of information of different types.  


 If you are looking for an effective data management solutions for your business, simply visit the Conducive website at to learn more about SharePoint solutions.  

Posted by conducive at 10:17 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 9 June 2013 12:08 AM EDT
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The SharePoint Advantage

More and more companies are discovering the SharePoint advantage to their businesses. It is the simplest, most user-friendly, cost-effective tool to help you organize, share and collaborate with your staff members even if they are on the other side of the globe. Here are some of the common benefits that Microsoft SharePoint has to offer.

1. Create team websites. Setting up teams sites for your company is a fast and affordable way to establish stronger team communication and collaboration. These team sites come with numerous out-of-the-box features that will ensure usability and effectiveness. Plus, you can also customize your websites according to what functionalities suit you best.  

2. Project management – You can also create sites for various projects for easy and efficient management. You can also integrate these sites with MS Project Server or synchronize them with Project Pro. This ensures that employees have accurate and updated information on the projects they're working on, making it a lot easier for them to share, manage and use various business data and documents.

3.  Business search engine. SharePoint allows you to manage your documents and make it easier for employees or your team to find information with ease. This feature goes beyond simple document or data searches. Employees can also easily find users, conversations, project announcements, events and more. 


If you want to know more about SharePoint Workflow, simply visit the Conducive website at

Posted by conducive at 10:11 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 9 June 2013 12:09 AM EDT
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