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Concussion Symptoms – One of the Serious Health Problems Nowadays

Concussion is one of the hardest medical conditions to deal with; suffering from concussion is not a simple case. This can be a hindrance for you to go back to your previous activities, aside from that there are some physical related activities that you can no longer do or with limit.

Concussion is not dangerous according to medical experts; however this can be a serious health problem if proper treatment will not be applied as soon as possible, this can also be fatal or life threatening as well. Concussion can occur when your head hits by a hard object, the brain is affected and possible damage might occur on the brain.

In sports industry, this is the common problem that an athlete’s or players is facing, in some severe cases players can no longer go back to their sports that they love because of the strict effect of concussion to their health. Not only that, even those people who experienced road accident it takes them a couple of weeks, months or even years to fully recover from traumatic brain injury.

This kind of health problem is not easily to overcome; it will take you a lot of time for you to fully recover. Concussion symptoms sometimes will depend on how severe the effect of concussion to your body. The initial indicator is bad headache, dizziness, vomiting, feels confused and double vision. Not all victims will experience loss of consciousness or loss of memory.

In some cases of traumatic brain injury, concussion symptoms appears a days after the accident and it sometimes lasted weeks or even months. The first thing that you must do in time that you experience initial indicators of concussion is you must see the doctor right away and seek for immediate advice. 

If the concussion occurs because of road accident or car accident, the doctor advice the victim to undergo a series of medical examination, this is to make sure that the victim will not suffer any health complication. CT scan is one of the major medical tests that are being applied to the victim wherein the medical machine will scan the brain in order to know and detect severe damage that was created traumatized. After the confinement, concussion therapy is being recommended so that the victim can go back to his or her or his normal life.