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What is Colloidal Silver?

Colloidal silver is a liquid suspension of microscopic particles of silver1. Silver particles become suspended in purified water by subjecting them to

tremendous amounts of electrical energy. In concentrations of 300 to 3000 parts per million (ppm), colloidal silver has been reported to kill 650

micro-organisms by disabling the enzyme that one-celled bacteria, viruses and fungi need for their oxygen metabolism2. Unfortunately, side effects

from inconsistent and high concentrations of silver in colloidal products called for new methods of harnessing the medicinal properties of silver.

Due to the semi-popularized use of colloidal silver over the past century, most people think about older forms of colloidal silver when considering Colloidal Silver as an antimicrobial tool. However, Silver Protocol is very different from older colloidal silver. The distinctions can be confusing to those who are

new to studying the differences between silver sol and colloidal silver.

If you are comparing the benefits of colloidal silver and Silver Protocol you’ve come to the right place. Please take a few minutes to learn how they are

very different.

Just as a Ferrari and a Chevy truck are both automobiles, the similarities stop there.

The US Patent office issued the new patent in 2006 because the new Silver Sol is manufactured uniquely different from any other silver on the market.

Silver Sol has been tested and proven to kill at least 143 various types of pathogens, viruses, fungi and other microbes with very low PPM (known as

Parts Per Million)  because of the superior technology and manufacturing process.

Silver Sol is the only patented engineered nano-silver particle product in the United States. Two U.S. construction patents have been issued. The unique

Silver Sol Technology™ now has a patented construction process [U.S. Patent #6,214,299], patented particle sizes and many patented end uses [U.S.

Patent #7,135,195].

Products for sale at the local health food store simply cannot make these claims, nor do they have a patent issued validating their effectiveness. If the

patent number 7,135,195 is not listed on the bottle, you are not buying the same product discussed on this website and sold by NeoFera period! We

guarantee it!

It’s simple to know if you are getting the real stuff! Just buy it from us and you’ll see the actual patent number is listed on the bottle.