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Do you need a paper or project right now? You are in luck! 

Resume writing is a tedious and boring job but, YOU HAVE TO DO IT! Your resume is the key that unlocks the door to get your foot into it! There is no other tool that can do that for you when you are unknown. The company that is hiring does not know you, your strengths, weaknesses, what you look like much less what you eat for breakfast! Your written words have to reflect and answer these questions: 

1. Do you have the minimum skills? 

2. Do you have a good work history? 

3. Do you have the experience and/or education necessary? 

4. Is this a person we want to interview further? 


Ask yourself, "Does my resume answer these questions?" 

I know coursework writing can be hard, but sometimes it can come as naturally as walking. Well, that is how I would describe it for me. If you are interested in having someone you can call for help for anything related to writing, you found him! I don't judge, and I know that sometimes life happens. Below are some important facts you should know about me: 

1. I respond to all texts and emails quickly. My goal is to make sure you succeed and are happy with our finished product. I write papers and do projects as if my grade and reputation is on the line. This is the type of person you need to work with to succeed. You should always avoid someone who has a get in and out mentality. 

2. I have worked with community college students, Ivy League applicants, under graduate and graduate students, Doctors, Lawyers, small and mid-size business owners, corporations, local police departments, investigators, film makers and newspapers. A large majority of the people I work with are happy with my work and commend me on being prompt and focused. I believe these two traits will lead anyone to a successfully future. 

3. I have a BA in English and Creative writing. I also Completed a Masters in English with a Minor in British Literature and Fiction. I belong with the Writers Guild of America West and have been a member for 10 years. 

4. I work with people who have unique projects and writing needs. Maybe you need a website, marketing a product, making a presentation, or just a plain essay. I do it all because I have done it all during my tenure as a writer. Below is a list of projects, writing, and many requests that I receive over the years. 

I am confident that the work I have completed has prepared me to take on bigger and challenging work. 

  • Admission Essay
  • Annotated Bibliography 
  • Application Letter 
  • Argumentative Essay 
  • Article Review 
  • Biography 
  • Book Review 
  • Book Writing 
  • Business Plan 
  • Business writing 
  • Case Study 
  • Course Work 
  • Cover Letter 
  • Creative Writing 
  • Critical Thinking 
  • Dissertation 
  • Dissertation Abstract 
  • Dissertation Chapter 
  • Dissertation Conclusion 
  • Dissertation Hypothesis 
  • Dissertation Introduction 
  • Dissertation Methodology 
  • Dissertation Results Editing 
  • Essay Excel Flyers (Business and Organizations) 
  • Literature Review 
  • Marketing Plans 
  • Marketing Reviews 
  • Movie Review 

Personal Statement

Below are some of the computer programs that I am very comfortable with in assisting people with. 

1. Excel spreadsheet creation, Pivot Tables, Chart, and graph creation. Database cleanup. 

2. Excellent level in Word 

3. Anything PDF related 

4. Access 

5. Outlook 

I had completed so many projects and writing assignment that my skills and experience can be applied to anything that you send my way. This occupation has exposed me to all types of people and I feel confident I can take on any challenge.