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Code Family Tree


CODD Family Background

The CODD family of Aghold Parish, Wicklow (and beyond) sent many family members to Canada (and perhaps elsewhere) - starting in about 1816. Most of these family members did not retain the CODD spelling - and became CODEs and COADs. Some of the latter have become confused with the COAD families from England - but most CODEs in Canada and the United States are likely to be descendants of a wave of emigration from Ireland by a family who was on the winning side of the Rebellion of 1798 - but who found themselves infected with the hope of a new life in a new land. In North America, they often became community leaders, Members of Parliament, pioneers of the formation of new communities. Perhaps this was because both in Ireland and before they came to Ireland with Strongbow (Richard de Clare) in 1170,  the Anglo-Norman Flemish Codds had been "landed gentry." About 1700 those Codds, originally Roman Catholics, who had converted to Protestantism, moved to Wicklow- and in particular Croneleagh or Crownalay (Aghold Parish) now spelled Cronelea - near Shillelagh. In Wicklow they were simple tenant farmers and craftsmen who helped found St. Michael's Church of Ireland. By 1817 many of the family had committed themselves to emigrate. Others remained, are still found in the area, and remain adherents of St. Michael's Church of Ireland at Aghold.

There is another site that is run by Brain Bailey  and he has done a large amount of research on the Codd's now there is only one paragraph that relates

to the Thomas Codd line that we come from.  Spend a few hours here, it's well worth it.

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