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So the puffle party is here and club penguin has never been better. With a new penguin style catalogue coming out as well as more puffle food and equipment for puffle care. Club penguin is great. Follow the club penguin discovery blog below to discover a brand new outlook on club penguin.



So club penguins extravagent new puffle party decorations have overwhelmed me but don't forget to look past the decorations and partying and look into what the whole celebration is about. Puffles! check in to one of your puffles celebration rooms with them to earn your puffle stamp and don't forget to enter them into the puffle show and have a time to remember watching them jump through hoops and crawl through tunnels. As well as this you can gain the two blue and red puffle pins in the lodge attic and in the hidden lake. After this don't forget to check out our Cadence tracker to see if you can meet Cadence and get her background and stamp. I have tried trillions of times and I always miss Cadence by seconds so you have to be quick and check the tracker often. It takes a lot of patience ( which I probably don't have and so freak out often. Aaarrggh I want to me Cadence) so try your best and remember to have fun. Cadence is pink with wrist bands, purple hair, a boom box and headphones. She often visits popular servers such as mammoth and blizzard at peak times of the day and only stays for 15 minutes at least. If the room is too crowded you should check the list of people in the room because it is alphabetized and easier to scroll through. Remember Cadence only goes into rooms related to the dancefloor so check out the rooftop of the dance club which is a new room introduced because of the puffle party. Don't forget to also check out our trackers for other famous club penguin members. Also pop into the pet shop and gets some brown puffles which you can buy at the petshop now. On our poll it has been voted by the viewers that brown puffles are the favourite puffle at the moment followed by red and then orange. Now we covered all of my puffle party blog for the day we can look at cheats, codes and tips as well as secret rooms in the puffle party. First though we are giving shout outs to kittykat mc, Blueinkwink, Pingupolo, Chrisdog and paintboy 100.


Check out the you tube video which will help with the catalogue cheats.



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 Club penguin cheats