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What are you afraid of? Perhaps you are fearful of spiders. Maybe you are afraid of heights. Some people are afraid of walking outside of their homes. Whatever brings you discomfort and a feeling of "no i do NOT want to do this" is fear. It can be a very debilitating feeling. It keeps you from doing the things you really want to do. So how do you overcome fear?

The best way to overcome fear is to face it head on. If you are scared of heights, your goal should be to climb to the highest mountain and enjoy the view. For some people, they must take on this task head first. Others need to do this in little steps. Maybe they start with a small hill and work their way up. It all depends on how you can handle the situation. Being too aggressive can actually be detrimental to your efforts. Trust your instincts. If you really feel that you just need to do it; just dive right in - go for it. If not, follow your heart and take little steps. Either way, you will reach your destination and be free of your fear. This process is called desensitization. It is often used by therapists to help their patients get over phobias and other fears.

If your fears are a bit more complex, you may need to be creative with your treatment. If you are afraid of being happy, for example, the issue may be more deep rooted and emotional. This may require the help of a therapist. Fears related to foods, germs and other things we are exposed to on a daily basis may require more work than just desensitization. Regardless of how complex or simple the fear is, it is possible to overcome it. As long as you are willing to participate!