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Silk square scarves... one of the most versatile and easily adaptable fashion accessories are silk scarves. They are easy to wear and yet they can bring an extra tinge of elegance to anyone who wears them. As fashion items, they are mostly worn over shoulders, wrapped loosely around the neck, used to tie down hair or worn as a head wrap.

The constant pulling, folding, knotting or just letting them settle loosely upon the shoulders can pick up natural pollutants from the environment or absorb perspiration from the person wearing them. In such cases, it would be necessary to perform proper ways of caring for these fashion accessories to prolong their good condition. As fashion investments, a silken scarf may cost the owner a considerable amount of money and it is but proper to render them the proper care and maintenance that they would need.

1. The Proper Way to Clean Silk Square Scarves

There are certain considerations silk scarf to make before washing and cleaning your silken scarf. Designer silk might react negatively to washing as the process can result to shrinkage or it can diminish the natural sheen that makes this a highly sought fabric. It would be wise to follow the washing or cleaning instruction provided by the care instruction or you could source out a reputable dry cleaner that are qualified and experienced in handling silken material.

A regular silk piece can be hand washed but this would require the use of cold distilled water and woolite. Never soak the garment in a detergent solution and avoid wringing like it was an ordinary laundry. It can be dried by laying it on top of clean towels as absorption materials. Do not dry it over hangers as this might cause unwanted stretching. After removing excess water using towels, lay them on a mesh rack then use a low-intensity air dryer or blower. Never dry the item directly under the sunlight.

2. Storage Tips for Square Silk Scarves

An integral part of taking care of your silk scarf is proper storage. It would be imperative to note that the piece should be totally cleaned before storage. These are special materials so it should only be proper that the owner allocate designated room for them in their closet or whatever storage area she has available. Accessory rings can also be good place to hang them in as well as large rounded hooks.

The storage area for your silk scarves should also be located away from direct sunlight to prevent unwanted discoloration. The location should also be protected from other hazards such as chlorine, bleach or alcohol. Linen boxes lined with acid-free soft tissue paper can be great storage locations. The point is the storage area should be free from potential snags that can ruin a perfectly good silken scarf.