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People who have problems with their skin can tell you that it's hard on their self-confidence a lot of the time. Does this sound like you personally? If it does, this article can help you get a handle on your situation.

Scratching is a big no-no. Stretch marks can really make you uncomfortable a lot. But scratching only leads to more scratching. This can harm your skin as well as make yourself more vulnerable to infections. When you are having symptoms, apply a cold compress and moisturize often.

Avoid stress as much as possible. Stress can trigger stretch marks symptoms. If you're under stress, try stress-relieving techniques, such as exercise and meditation. Perhaps you can keep your stretch marks flare-up from being too severe.

When buying a detergent, look for something that is not scented. If you are having trouble finding one that works for you, look for products labeled "free and clear" and see if they work. In addition, it may be best not to use a fabric softener at all. This product can cause an issue for people with stretch marks, so it is usually not worth the risk.

Discuss medications with your doctor. If an over-the-counter medication doesn't do the trick, a prescription one might. Use store-bought and prescription medication as directed. Straying from the instructions could cause more harm than good. At the very least, it will be ineffective, resulting in a waste of both effort and money.

Get your skin damp before applying your stretch mark cream australia. This helps the moisturizer to seal into your skin and soften it. Following your shower or bath, just pat your skin with a towel. This will remove a lot of the wetness but still leave the skin damp and ready for moisturizing.

Although stretch marks presently can't be cured, there are various strategies that be used to manage it. If you have stretch marks on your hands, always cover them with plastic or vinyl gloves when doing water-related chores, such as washing dishes. If you hands tend to sweat while wearing these gloves, wear cotton gloves under them to soak up the sweat.

Try to avoid taking hot baths and showers. The extreme temperatures of the water can actually cause stretch marks flare-ups. The humidity and steam can also dry your skin out, which can make stretch marks uncomfortable. Try using water that is room temperature any time you shower or take a bath.

Be gentle when dealing with your stretch marks. This means only gently drying your skin and gently applying your moisturizer. Your skin is compromised and very sensitive. To keep your soft and supple, you need to treat it with a gentle touch. Avoid friction, scratching, and exfoliating. You should also avoid using harsh bathing items like loofah sponges and shower puffs.

Stretch marks can make your life miserable if you are unable to find an effective way to treat it. There is no reason to suffer if you do not have to. With the right treatment program, you can find quick relief from the misery of stretch marks. Use the advice you have read here to get help.