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Me, going over our plan with Gaios

Truck. You can have him. I'll l even provide the silver platter, I retorted. She quickly moved away as Arianna appeared around the corner. THE SUN SHONE BRIGHT in the sky and I practically hung out of the window trying to soak up every ray. Erich laughed at me and shook his head. It's been weeks since I last saw the sun or felt the wind on my skin and I felt like laughing with pleasure. Not even Chai's presence could damper my spirit as I watched the endless dunes we passed. I never thought I would miss seeing them every day. Chai was driving and I caught him staring at me in the rear view mirror. I quickly looked away and focused on the rays of sun dancing on my arm. There was another truck behind us and Emily was very verbal in her annoyance hack when Chai ushered her inside the other truck. She didn't want to be separated from him. We were heading towards a half-finished google warehouse a few miles from Palasium. I couldn't imagine why the Guard was suddenly so interested in the building. Chai pulled the car to a stop and I couldn't wait to get out of the truck. I sighed in pleasure and scooped up a handful of sand and let it run through my fingers. I tilted my head back and soaked up the sun on my face. Emily gave an unladylike snort behind me, but I ignored her. Nothing could spoil this moment for me. Erich gave me a playful shove and I smiled at him. It was the first time I smiled clash of clans hack in days and I was glad they let me come with them. Chai gave a few orders and they inspected the perimeter. There were no Guards and the building looked totally deserted. Chai and a couple of rebels went inside and when he returned he was frowning. They were definitely here. The place is stacked with boxes of food and other supplies. Erich and the others followed him inside to take a look. For the first time the sun didn't feel so warm anymore. I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something about this place wasn't right. I knew Robert better than anyone else. He would never leave supplies out here in the middle of nowhere and unguarded on top of it. Something caught my eye and I wandered across the sand to where the sun glinted brightly of a silver object lying in the sand. I clash of clans hack bent and picked up a knife. I turned it in my hand and squinted around me. Someone clash of clans hack dropped it. I examined the sand around me and I saw drag marks leading towards the nearest dune. Whatever made it, had to be still around. The wind would have covered the tracks with sand by now. I turned around to look at the building, but everyone was still inside. They hadn't notice that I wasn't with them. For a moment I considered going back and clash of clans hack telling them what I found, but then I thought of Emily's smug face and I turned back to follow the clash of clans hack tracks. I followed the hack drag marks over several sand dunes when I stumbled over something sticking out of the sand. I bent and wiped the sand away with my hand from the object and then I jerked my arm away. Half buried in the sand was the body of a Palasium soldier. His throat was slit and sand stuck to the dried blood at his neck. I covered my mouth with my hand and swirled