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learn french language
Rocket French
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Saturday, 27 March 2010
Rocket French Premium Discount!
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Rocket French

Rocket French is running a special where you get $50 off the normal price.  This delivers the entire downloadable course, forum access and video modules for just $99.95!

You will be speaking basic French phrases within an hour and can learn at your own pace.  With over 13 hours of video and 31 modules, there is a wealth of language learning tools at your disposal.  YOU pick the best way to learn!

Click here to order:   Rocket French Premium

Posted by clarityhug at 12:43 PM EDT
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Saturday, 30 January 2010
Bonjour - say hello with Rocket French!
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Rocket French

Bonjour, comment allez vous? 


OK, OK...I know it is a simple phrase meaning "how are you", but you can begin learning simple phrases within an hour with the Rocket French system.  There areover 30 video modules, interactive games, audio practice sessions and support files.

It is a self paced system allowing you to work when you have time and repeat lessons as often as needed.  Rocket French also provides language & culture Lessons, which are illustrated and contain embedded audio clips for new words and phrases.

If you need to learn conversational French quickly, buy Rocket French here or sign up for the free six day trial.  This is the most affordable and thorough system available to learn French fast!

You can see more information about conversational French at: 


Posted by clarityhug at 6:30 AM EST
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Saturday, 9 January 2010
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Rocket French Rules!
Topic: Rocket French

Rocket français est une ligne système de vous lever et de parler quelques phrases en français dans une heure.

Translated:   Rocket French is a system that you allows you to begin speaking French in one hour !

There are all sorts of language learning systems, but only two have integrated the best learning techniques.  Rocket French is one and is about 1/2 the price of its leading competitor.  Would you spend twice as much for the same results?

Rocket French also provides a FREE six day trial to prove that they can have you speaking basic french before you buy the full version! Click below for the free trial and get started learning French today!


6 Day Course

Posted by clarityhug at 6:57 PM EST
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Saturday, 26 December 2009
Learn French Fast!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Rocket French gets you there tres vite!
Topic: learn french language

I began learning French when I was in 1st grade...yes, at age five for me.  My folks highly valued education (thank you Mom & Dad!) and sent myself and siblings to the best available schools.  That being said, I had French in schools year's 1,2,4,5,6 plus a couple in college.

When I thought of picking it back up, I had two choices - Rosetta Stone or Rocket French  .   I like RS, but it was too pricey.  Rocket French was the fastest (and least expensive) way to bring my conversational French back up to speed.

Take a look at RF.  If you are just starting out with French, they offer a FREE six day course to get you familiar before investing $$.  Click here for the free introductory course.

I've placed more information at SPEAK FRENCH FAST as well, so keep an eye on that for continuing updates on learning French!





Legal disclaimer:  if you click on a link, this website may be compensated if you choose to purchase a product.

Posted by clarityhug at 4:15 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 26 December 2009 6:28 PM EST
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