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Contact Information: (508) 583-1093 |

"I see pictures in my mind like a television screen. When I touch something, I can then tell what I see."


"We use our God-given gifts for the betterment of mankind. We touch the people, Help them."


Cheryl and Jean have been professional psychics for twenty years. Aside from their astonishing world predictions, Cheryl and Jean have reunited families, helped solve murder cases and find missing persons, saved marriages, and diagnosed illnesses using their unique gift of automatic writing. They have a private counseling practice for individuals and businesses all over the world. They are frequent guests on

national TV and Radio shows, and now have their own syndicated Television show on Channel 13 WBHS.

When you call, they will unlock the secrets to your past, present and future. Partake in one of their personalized reading and be amazed at their foresight and understanding into the private parts only you have witnessed.