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Every Company CEO in every sector should have a Corporate Advisor on speed dial. Why? You always need an impartial, professional and independent person to give advice and strategy when you feel you may be at a cross road, strategic dilemma and or straight advice on “which direction to go”.

I was fortunate to start in my business career at a young age of 20 and over a short period of time learned about a variety of industries from Software and Hardware to Precious Metals and Real Estate. I was driven to absorb all I could learn from people older and more experienced and dedicated and decided to mirror my life around their success. Fortunately I have managed to excel in a career of various ventures for the past 30 years from running several public companies as the Chairman and CEO to advising on numerous Boards and serving as a Consultant to various ventures across the world.

I launched Regus Advisors Inc., a Global Advisory Firm in 2010 through my world-wide network of colleagues to structure, finance, reorganize, manage, grow and exit complex transactions. Our portfolio of activities is highly diverse and our business is unpredictable due to the uncharted transactions that we are provided the opportunity to unwind, revamp or unplug. It’s a tough job for tough people.

CJ Comu

CJ Comu is a 30 year veteran of hand to hand combat in Corporate America and has conducted business in 12 countries.