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 2011 certified handwrititng analysts through Handwriting University. Specializing in grapho-therapy.





Have your handwriting analyzed for fun or self improvement. A wonderful insite into the personality of siblings,friends, employees, companions, or children.

Self-improvement through grapho-therapy. In thirty days you can change and improve an undesirable personality trait. By changing certian strokes in your letter formations, you will change a corresponding thought pattern in your brain. Your handwriting is your brainwriting. A great self improvement aid.

Want to know if a potential partner is compatible with you? Have a compatability analysis done.

Analyzing your childs handwriting may be very benificial in reveling healthy personality traits and undesireable traits.




Handwriting analysis is brainwriting. Your subconsious thoughts are revealed in your handwriting. Each stroke of the pen and letter formation reveal a personality trait. A certified analyst is able to break down the strokes which reveal the traits, then put the traits back together to form a complete personality anaylsis for you.

What people think and say are very often two different things. Society states we need to say and act a particular way, when deep down in our mind we often think and feel differently. Ever wonder why we all write or print differently from each other, yet, we have all learned the same letter formations? It is because our mind subconsiously moves the pen to form the strokes. Thus revealing our subconsious thoughts and emotions.

Through handwriting analysis traits such as self-consciousness, self-critical, talkative, low self-esteem, etc. are revealed. Emotions and fears such as jelousy, temper, aggresion, fear of critizm, fear of success etc. Extrovets,introverts, even dual personalities are revealed in an analysis. This is just to name a few of the things a certified analysis can reveal about a person,s handwriting.

Children who cannot write yet, will reveal their personality and fears in their drawings and doodles. Having a child's drawing analyzed can give a parent or therapist a great insight into the childs subconsious mind.

An analysis is a great advantage to any employer or therapist. How bennifical it is for an employer to know prior to hiring a person if their personality will fit the job 's requirements. Any therapist will have an insight into their patients most inner fears, desires and thinking patterns. They will even have an insight into how reactive that person will be to treatments perscribed to them. A handwriting analysis is an x-ray into the mind.


A compatability analysis will reveal what areas two or more people have similar feelings or traits, and what areas they will differ in. A wonderful advantage before making a serious commitment.




Handwriting is brainwriting. What the subconcious thinks the hand writes. Through a process known as grapho-therapy a person is able to elminate or alter an undesireable trait. By changing a certian stroke or formation or a letter we create a new nero-pathway into the brain. It takes 21 days to break a habit. These 30 day grapho-therapy workbooks will assist you in self-improvement and a great program for addition centers and self-help programs to use for their patients. A person will actually raise their self-esteem. Become more optimistic. Be less sensitive to critism. Or perhaps improve ones ability of self-control. These are just a few of the bennifits of grapho-therapy. It only takes a few minutes everyday for 30 days to change your life. 



This is a great way for parents to learn their child's innermost thoughts and fears. It is a great insight into your childs subconsious mind. Drawings and doodles  can reaveal many different aspects of a childs personality. A great guidence tool for parents to use in the develepment and raising  of their children. Simply mail pictures or doodles that your child has drawn to the address at the right along with the form below.  Enclose a check or money order. The childs first name and age will be helpfull. No other information is required.



Use a plain sheet of paper without lines. Fill the paper with writing using a ball point pen. The subject matter of your writing can be of any topic. Please sign your name on the paper. If you are an advid printer that is ok, write as much cursive as possible. Mail your paper to the address provided. Do not send a copy of the paper,e-mail or fax if possible, an orginal is best for a more accurate analysis. Unless specified, the paper will not be returned. Please print or type your name,address, and phone number a on a separate paper or copy and print the form below.

 Enclose a check or money order made out to Cindy Enos. Include type of analysis you are requesting and/or number of workbooks.

Please allow 2 weeks for your analysis by mail.Verbal analysis are available over the phone or in person if possible. 

 ( handwriting analysis cannot reveal, age, gender, race or nationallity) (Not responsible for lost article)








please print or type












circle or check the service or item wanted


PERSONALITY SKIMMER___________________________________________________________$45.00


FULL ANALYSIS____________________________________________________________________________$90.00


RELATIONSHIP COMPATABILITY_____________________________________________________________________$160.00


SIGNATURE ONLY_______________________________________________________________________________$30.00


DOODLE ANALYSIS____________________________________________________________________$30.00


GRAPHO-THERAPY BOOK____________AMOUNT_________Age________________________________________________$25.00


                                                                                          TOTOAL $_________________________



Mail to: Cindy Enos

           Certified Handwriting Analyst

           P.O. Box 34

           27710 S. Chittenden St.

           Congress, Az. 85332


Check or money order made out to: Cindy Enos